These perfumes make you more successful

Researchers have already found out in a variety of studies that different fragrances have different effects on humans. Not in vain do you say that you can not "smell someone". But the human brain not only differentiates between fragrance nuances that it likes or dislikes, but can also be influenced by it. No wonder then that we can virtually outsmart ourselves with a certain perfume.

Whether a freshness kick, more productivity or relaxation: every scent nuance has a different effect on the body. When buying a new perfume (or a body spray) so be sure to pay attention to the individual notes - they could cause real miracles.

Here comes the overview:


Do you feel tired, drained and without energy in the evening after work done? Then a perfume with a mint fragrance is just right. The essential oils and the menthol aroma will immediately make you feel fresher and clearheaded.

Jasmine & Lemon

You feel like you have a lot more life left over if you just get out of bed punctually? Then use a trick: Take a handkerchief or a tissue, spray a light perfume with jasmine and lemon fragrances on it and place it on your bedside table. The next morning, you will be much fresher and easier to get out of bed. Alternatively, you can use a shampoo with citrus notes in the morning shower.

Rosemary & sage

Whether it's a job, childcare or leisure stress, the tasks around you pile up and instead of working faster, do you feel slowed down? In order to increase your own productivity and to concentrate better, fragrances such as rosemary or sage are useful. If you do not want to buy a fragrance with these shades, you can of course use oils, put a few drops of it on a cotton pad and put them in the immediate vicinity.


Anyone who is still so energetic in the evenings after work or a strenuous day that he can not fall asleep and wakes up in the morning completely overrun, should urgently resort to lavender. The herb ensures that you can relax better in the evening and fall asleep faster. Therefore, there are now even special pillow sprays with lavender scent. Be sure to try!

GET MORE VIEWS ???????? How To Become A Successful Fragrance Channel 2018 ???????? Fragrance Review Guide #2 (May 2024).
