• May 19, 2024

These men go to prostitutes

Already knew? Statistically, you probably know several men who go to prostitutes. According to a Playboy study, every tenth man in Germany has ever paid money for sex. Of course you can not simply transfer this number to the circle of friends, even if it were a funny counting experiment. But it is already striking how many men on the one hand demonstrably go to prostitutes, while on the other hand practically no one knows. Of course - only very few suitors really proud of the brothel visit.

Photographer Bettina Flitner managed a small miracle: she actually managed to ask men about their reasons during a brothel visit, and even to photograph them.

"Free" - the pictures to click through

How did she manage that? "It was easier than expected," she says on ChroniquesDuVasteMonde demand. "Everyone told me in advance: Forget it, you can not find anyone to join in. And so I just told a brothel owner about my idea and asked if I could visit his business for a few days said. "

Whole ten days Flitner spent in the Stuttgart Großbordell "Paradise", from the afternoon until late in the night. And the suitors - why did they talk so openly with her? "These were mostly regular customers - at one point or another, I was practically part of the inventory, and when the first of them got involved, it was not that difficult to convince the others either."

The exhibition "Freier" in Cologne

The photos and stories of the "Freier" can also be seen in the exhibition of the same name in the laif photo gallery in Cologne (Merowingerstr. 5-7). More information can be found on the website of Bettina Flitner.

Men For Sale: Life as a male sex worker in Britain - BBC News (May 2024).

Photo series, Bettina Flitner, Germany, brothel, pouf, prostitution, photo, photo series, red light, free