The Bullerbü Syndrome: Why all the Swedes think so great

1. You have Victoria and Daniel
The dream couple par excellence. Victoria, the down-to-earth sympathetic princess and her middle-class husband. That was a love story almost like a fairy tale. Or as with Inga Lindström. And now she goes on very modern. Together with their two children, Oscar and Estelle, the two have taken a break, in America, far away from commitments, the press and prying eyes, so that the little ones can become happy royal children. And all so: Ohhhhhhhhh!

2. Equal rights, integration, education: you can do everything better
At least we Germans think that. Because we constantly read how the Swedes do it when things are not going so well in Germany. And the fact is: The Swedes are doing really well too. Their teachers are better educated, the students learn more, equality is more lived and in child care they are great. Only with youth unemployment, the Swedes throw a jealous look at us. That's 17.3 percent for the Scandinavians and only 6.7 for us.

3. They have the best cinnamon buns
That's true! Really. But that's not the only thing you want to stuff in kilos. You also have Wienerbröd, such a puff pastry with vanilla pudding. And the best crispbread. And then there's this stuffy and slightly sweet wheat bread, which they call Polar cake, because like any Swedish bread, it's pretty sweet. You have to try this next time. And you can still pick wild raspberries and wild strawberries along the way, nibble blueberries and collect plenty of mushrooms.

4. You have lagom
The Danes have hygge, the Swedes have lagom. And that's almost better. It means as much as: everything in moderation or a healthy mediocrity. That goes for the work, for the food, for the furnishing? Oh, really for everything. The result: the Swedes are always relaxed because they never get stressed. And when it gets hectic, they quickly put on a Fika, a little break with coffee and cake. Then the stomach is full and the nerves calmed down and it goes on very relaxed.

5. You have style
The mix does it? S. The Swedes have already understood that for a long time. That's why they combine old and new, designer parts with Billo trinkets. On Sundays, for example, the Swede goes to Loppis? to the junk. Just totally hip: old school pictures, small peasant benches and copper bowls.

6. With them it looks like in Bullerbü.
Pippi, Matilda and the children of Bullerbü? they all lived in these reddish-brown houses with a white porch and fireplace. Nearby was always a lake or a river and a few animals were also around somewhere. That's why we immediately think that all of Sweden has to look the same. For a part that's true. Småland, which lies in southern Sweden, is full of such houses, many of which you can rent. So if you want to make a Bullerbük yourself, you do not have to travel far.

7. They are really too nice
Every Swede is nice, right? Have you ever experienced one who was not? We do not. Except maybe in a thriller. Maybe the Swedes live their dark side while writing. Would it be possible? At least they do not do it in football. Even the fans are civilized. And even when driving is politeness: Who drives slower than his back man, pulls over to the right, so that he can be overtaken. As a thank you there is a sign with the turn signal. Charming, right?

8. They make themselves comfortable everywhere
The Swedes have a pronounced coziness gene. Do you paddle on an island in the summer? Since someone has certainly created a bank and a fireplace. Are you sitting in the café in the evening? The blanket for cuddling and the fur for the popo are already ready. And no matter where you are, somewhere a candle is always burning. Or an oil lamp. No matter. Main thing: comfortable.

Kalleblomquist - Bullerbü Syndrome (July 2024).