That tastes the ram

Aries belong archetypically to the hunters and like these meat dishes, like also grilled, also the beautiful, rustic barbecue, the meat roast on the spit. With them, it may be a bit heartier, with intense spices, chili, pepper and hot sauces.

Crunchy-hearted salads, also with wild herbs and seeds, hot pepper dressing, sweet and spicy relish and spicy-hot mustard sauces round off the pleasure of fiery, energetically high-temp rams.

The food must meet the high energy needs of the Aries, a protein-rich diet makes sense and is well tolerated. Fried eggs, scrambled eggs, salmon, sausages, a typical American breakfast for breakfast? No problem for Aries!

Potatoes, noodles, rice need not be more for Aries; an exception is the baked potato with sour cream for steak, very classic. Vegetables like aries just al dente, sweets are not necessarily what they like, fruits often neglect them on the menu.

Because they consume a lot of protein, ram should provide for deacidification, for example, drinking nettle tea, with a splash of lemon added. In any case, the spirited, fast-paced, sports-loving rams should not forget to drink - and that means water rather than coke, coffee or other supposedly fast-paced energizers and energy drinks.

Cooking by Zodiac: Aries - spicy and hearty

Aries belong archetypically to the hunters and love meat - roasted, braised and gladly also from the grill. Hot beef ragout is all to the taste of Aries. If there are spicy sauces and fresh, spicy salads, they are really happy.

Also a hearty American breakfast with fried egg, bacon and sausages is a dream for her. With so much passion for the fiery, they must, however, make sure that they drink enough not to acidify. Even vegetables like rams, but it should already be "al dente", so nice and crisp. Then it fits.

Video Recommendation:

First tastes for Ram (May 2024).

Horoscope, culinary, salad, meat