That's why you should never hang clothes on these hangers

Ladies remembers one thing: The common wire hanger is the garment's death on installments. So please quickly into the barrel with it. Yes, I know: this is not sustainable. But no matter how practical the things are, you should not use them to keep your clothes longer.

Caution: sharp frame!

Wire hangers are above all one thing: cheap. High quality? Wrong! But the Billo handle comes with a lot of sharp edges therefore. What happens when the new silk dress gets stuck on such an edge is hard to imagine. The same applies to expensive top tops, the beloved knit sweater or the favorite blouse. You can not look that fast, because the first thread has already been pulled or a crack has been created. And then the screaming is great. And only because you did not want to throw away the collected wire hangers just like that. Yes, sustainability has its pitfalls and edges.

Apropros edges ...

Knitted clothes and T-shirts are not well taken care of on the thin wire hangers. The shoulder area is not sufficiently supported by the thin wire. So it's only a matter of time until the hanger presses through the fabric, creating strange bumps and edges and, above all, heavily knitting knitting because of its weight. So who wants to avoid that from the newly acquired Norwegerpulli soon a knit dress in knee length, who should better do without the suspension of the knitting things, especially on wire hanger. At best, store lying. So please do not save in the wrong place and rather invest one-two euros in good bracket made of wood, plastic or velvet cover - It's worth it.

Tip of the Day - Hanger Bumps (May 2024).

Dress, cleaning