Ten facts about: John F. Kennedy

John F. Kennedy: Fact 1

John Fitzgerald Kennedy At the age of 43, he was the youngest elected US President of all time and so far the only Catholic in this position. When he was shot dead on November 22, 1963, he was just 1036 days president.

John F. Kennedy: Fact 2

His father, Joseph Kennedy, was an irascible, ambitious patriarch who was determined to see one of his sons in office. When Kennedy's older brother Joe died in World War II, the "election" for this post fell on John Fitzgerald. Joseph Kennedy supported his son's campaign with millions of dollars. Once elected, made John F. Kennedy his brother Robert to the Minister of Justice. This assignment of offices within the family was later banned in the US. Robert Kennedy was murdered in 1968.

John F. Kennedy: Fact 3

The Kennedy family Originally from Ireland.

John F. Kennedy: Fact 4

kennedy suffered his entire life from an innate curvature of the spine, which steadily worsened over time - among others during his deployment in the Second World War. For this reason, he was always wearing a corset and had to undergo various special operations. In addition to osteoporosis, an incurable adrenal disorder was added. Kennedy himself did not believe that he would be older than 45 - at the age of 46, he was murdered. When Kennedy was hit by the second shot in Dallas, his corset prevented him from collapsing. Instead, he stayed upright and was thus hit by the third, deadly shot in the head.

John F. Kennedy: Fact 5

In the Southwest Pacific is an island after John F. Kennedy named. Reason: His torpedo boat was rammed and sunk nearby there in August 1943 during a military operation by a Japanese destroyer. Despite his severe back pain Kennedy saved himself and a badly injured comrade on an island five kilometers away. Through this action he became a frenetically celebrated war hero.

John F. Kennedy: Fact 6

Kennedys The first attempt to move into the White House failed in 1956. At that time, he ran for the office of Vice President.

John F. Kennedy: Fact 7

His essay "Profiles in Courage" about eight US senators brought John F. Kennedy In 1955 the Pulitzer Prize - a famous honor outstanding journalistic achievements.

John F. Kennedy: Fact 8

During Kennedy's term, the world was on the brink of nuclear war. The Soviet Union began deploying medium-range missiles in communist Cuba in 1962, which made the US feel directly threatened. Contrary to the opinion of his military advisers decided John F. Kennedy not for an air raid on Cuba, but preferred a naval blockade as a more diplomatic variant. During the 13 days of the Cuban Missile Crisis it almost came to an atomic exchange. However, Kennedy refused to make an air raid when an American reconnaissance plane was shot down over Cuba and the pilot was killed. Thus, JFK contributed significantly to a de-escalation of the situation. In a secret meeting, Robert Kennedy and the Soviet ambassador Dobrynin finally agreed to a withdrawal of Soviet missiles from Cuba. In return, the Kennedy of the Soviet Union secured an end to the deployment of American missiles in Turkey.

John F. Kennedy: Fact 9

During his term, sat down John F. Kennedy vehemently calling for an end to racial segregation. In 1962, he secured military support to a black student so that he could enroll at the University of Mississippi, which was dominated by white students.

John F. Kennedy: Fact 10

The background of the Kennedy's assassination are still unclear to this day. Around his death are still entwined various rumors and conspiracy theories. The then used Warren Commission came to the conclusion that Lee Harvey Osswald was the sole culprit. The files about the death of JFK will remain locked in 2017.

John F. Kennedy: The 35th President of the United States | Biography (May 2024).

John F. Kennedy, USA, Cuba, Election Campaign, Ireland, John F. Kennedy, Assassination, 22. November 1963, JFK