Styling tips for your winter vacation

Schifoan is the easiest one?

Powder snow, sun and 360 degrees alpine panorama? that makes every skier's heart beat faster. But to keep you warm and stylish even in freezing temperatures, we have some pretty? Basics? compiled from the current winter collections. In these trendy outfits since you have guaranteed off-piste the "Ski-Haserl".

Cruising on the white wave

Casual and cool? these are the characteristics that characterize the snowboarder. In the meantime they have established themselves from the former piste fright to the hip snow surfers and even outnumber the skiers in many ski areas. So that you can be on the piste during a leisurely cruise on the slopes or spectacular off-piste freeride outfits, you will find a few snowboarders - must-haves? ? that's guaranteed to make you look super-casual, even if it's with the cool? Air? should not work on the halfpipe?

Winter Wonderland

For those who like to move in the fresh air and want to enjoy undisturbed peace and unspoilt snowscapes for the? Snowshoe walks? an excellent alternative to alpine skiing. Unlike alpine skiing, here you have to place great emphasis on functionality and quality when choosing the right equipment. But even functional outfits can look really chic. We show you here:

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WINTER TRAVEL PACKING TIPS | What To Take On A Winter Vacation | Go Live Explore (May 2024).

Skiing, snowboarding, ski fashion, snowshoeing, skiing, skiing