Study: Little Dino fans are particularly intelligent

My son is a Dino fan. He not only likes the extinct animals, he breathes them. In the morning his first thought is the question of whether a Velociraptor is faster than a Microraptor. After the daycare, he sits for hours bent over a dinosaur book and compares whether the Schleichdinos really have the right number of claws. In the evening he would give his last shirt to watch one (let's face it: two) episodes "Dino-Dana" and when falling asleep he wants to hear "What's What: Dinosaurs and Extinct Animals" -Hörspiel. Sounds funny, it is actually too. But sometimes I find it exhausting to mutate even without being asked to become a dinosaur expert. Do not come out, from the number.

Especially guys are interested in facts

Every third child between the ages of 2 and 6 develops a so-called "intense interest", ie a particularly strong fixation on a topic such as astrology, horses or even dinosaurs. While girls tend to express their interests in imaginative play, boys often become true information spammers. Especially popular: Dinos. The Latin terms, characteristics and habits of the prehistoric lizards are properly absorbed and no matter where (gladly) (unsolicited) for the best. Then you learn in the Ikea-Gang incidentally everything about the dangerous tail of Ankylosaurus and should practice with dinner and knife at dinner, carefully remove rock strata, if you do not even want to pursue a career as a paleontologist. Who knows that exactly?

Study says: Children with "intense interests" become particularly intelligent

The topic of their "intense interests" is chosen by the little ones quite independently of the parents' interests. Due to the great thirst for knowledge in this one self-selected area, small dino, astro and horse fans intuitively train their cognitive abilities. Especially when it comes to dinos, the scientists were able to notice a higher attention, a greater capacity for information processing and an increased ability to concentrate. Their explanation for this: Since dinosaurs as extinct animals do not belong to the natural world of children's experience, a thorough research is necessary to gain expertise. This research automatically trains the children in the abovementioned competencies, which gives them great advantages in terms of school entry.

How to support as a parent

Although parents obviously do not have much influence on the choice of topic, their support, according to research, is very important for maintaining interest. Because only with sufficient input can a child who can not even read himself really pursue his hobby. What can you do? Read non-fiction books, watch documentaries and go to the museum with the kids, as long as they find it exciting. Learning will never be so fun! And even if the department may not be that of our dreams, it can never be a mistake to get a little further education, also to have a great conversation with your child. Even if it's the Ankylosaurus tail. At some point we will need all the knowledge. Most certainly! For example, should it ever be possible to manufacture Dino DNA and build a Jurrassic Park, we will survive if the T-Rex breaks out. After all, we know everything about him. And then we'll be damned grateful for our superklugen little Dino experts who trained us so well as a four-year-old.

If You Love Dinosaurs, You Might Be Smarter Than Others (May 2024).