Sort laundry: This is how it works in 3 steps

To ensure that your clothes do not discolor or come in, you must sort them properly before washing in the washing machine. We reveal what you have to consider before washing your clothes!

Sort laundry in 3 steps

Of course you should pollution degree examine the respective garment. In general, stains should always be pretreated before they can get into the washing machine with the other items of clothing. Once done, you can separate your laundry according to three different points:

  1. Sort by textile type: There are more delicate and robust textiles that should not be washed together. Separate them so that no fibers are destroyed by the friction in the washing machine.
  2. Sort by colors: To prevent dark or color intensive laundry from rubbing off on light or even white laundry, you need to sort your garments by color groups.
  3. Sort by wash temperature: Too high a washing temperature can cause the laundry to shrink. Also here must be looked exactly in the care label.

Sort laundry? what should be considered with the textile type?

washing programof fabric
Hand and gentle washSilk, wool and natural fibers
delicatesViscose, synthetic, microfiber, pure natural fabrics (bras, lingerie, shirts and more)
Easy carePolyester, blended fabrics (T-shirts, shirts, socks and blouses)
cottonCotton (sheets, tablecloths and Co.)
Kitchen linen and coloredsCotton, linen (towels, cleaning rags, tea towels and Co.)

Sort laundry - what is the color?

color groupsTo dye
White / light washwhite, light pink, light blue, light gray
Coloreds brightpink, yellow, orange
Coloreds darkblue, green, red, purple
Black / dark linenblack, dark gray, brown

Sort laundry? Which temperatures are suitable for which clothes?

HandwashSilk wool
30 degreesJeans, curtains, wool sweaters, slightly discolouring items
40 degreesBlouses, shirts, dresses, socks, T-shirts, pants
60 degreesPajamas, bed linen, towels, underwear
90 degreescotton sheets

How to treat stains, you will find here:

  • Remove fruit stains
  • Remove grease stains
  • Remove blood stains
  • Remove red wine stains
  • Remove water stains
  • Remove rust stains
  • Remove grass stains

What you also need to wash the sheets, wash underwear and wash jeans, we explain! And if you ask yourself the question: Which detergent should I take? Then we can help you too!

How to Do Laundry (June 2024).

Laundry, garment, washing program, washing temperature, textile, textile fiber, clothing