So you're going to get rid of your fear of spiders

Tents on the lake, bring boxes from the basement or holiday in the alpine hut - no, thank you! Because everywhere they are frolicking, the little crawlers whose pure sight laces our air. Each phobicist among us spontaneously has four or five horror spider encounters. And when we exchange them with each other at the girls' evening, we are overcome by this strange goose bumps on the neck. Just scary!

Where does the fear come from?

Soberly, there is no reason to be afraid of the eight-legged, because the vast majority of spiders do us absolutely nothing in this country. Mum's the good old saying: "She's a lot more afraid of you than you are of her!" Nevertheless, our hearts racing and stifling our breath, if a crawling specimen comes too close to us. Investigators justify this fear with a primal instinct, as we used to classify the unpredictable movements of the spiders as dangerous and there might also be more aggressive spider types.

What can I do?

Many experts consider that exposure therapy for the only true thing. You have to watch for hours a real spider - and in the end take one on the hand. Often such meetings are carried out with tarantulas, but especially with domestic spiders - because it is the small, fast species that we encounter in everyday life and can even make us more scared than the sedate, plushy tarantula.

Although many women can not imagine: The therapy works, often even a single session can be enough. Sometimes, however, a "systematic desensitization" is advisable, in which one is introduced only step by step and over a longer period of time to the spiders. The catch: those who are not "trained" and every now and then takes a spider on the hand, the courage quickly leaves again and the fear comes back. It is best, after such a therapy to actively seek contact with spiders.

Small exercises for the home

Before you go to the professional (the cost of spider anxiety workshops are usually a few hundred euros), you can also try on your own to approach the spiders. Some people find it easier to deal with the crawlers and to understand them. You can proceed according to this pattern - something similar happens in the confrontation treaty.

Step 1: Paint a spider

Step 2: Fiddle a bit with a rubber or plastic spider

Step 3: Look at pictures in spider books or in movies

Step 4: Take a look at a living specimen in the glass (this can catch your friend, for example). Take a while for a while

Step 5: Capture a spider with a glass yourself

Step 6: Let the spider run over your hand

Step 7 (especially brave): Catch the spider with your hand

If that does not work or you get even more scared, it is advisable to go to the expert.

Take a deep breath!

It does not always have to be confrontation. Other methods that can take your spider anxiety are Psychotherapy, relaxation techniques such as meditation, autogenic training or hypnosis, but also knock acupressure, in which certain energy meridians are "knocked". This can be used to solve the blockages that cause spider anxiety.

After all, everyone has to find the right method for themselves. If one is limited by his fear in his quality of life, it is worthwhile in any case to tackle the matter actively, if necessary with professional help. Information about therapists you can find for example in the net under The best thing to do is to ask your health insurance company which lines will be reimbursed.

How To Get Rid Of Fear of Spiders - Crazy Fast Phobia Cure. Try EFT Now - Energy Healing (April 2024).

Spider, spiders, spider fear, spider phobia, help