Schnexagon from 'The Cave of the Lions': The miracle cure for snails

Every hobby gardener knows the problem: Since they have just planted the vegetable patch fresh, because make snails even a line through the bill. The only thing that helps is a remedy that dispels the slimy pests. Biologist Nadine Sydow and dr. Peter Rehders dealt with just such a product - and developed Schnexagon.

Now her idea has to be brought to the market successfully and quickly. For that they try in 'The Cave of the Lions? land a lucrative deal. And the top five entrepreneurs Judith Williams, Frank Thelen, Ralf Dümmel, Carsten Maschmeyer and Dagmar Wöhrl are anything but averse.

Schnexagon is non-toxic and ecological

The highlight of Schnexagon is that it does not harm the snails. For this, Nadine Sydow spent four years in the lab to create something that offers all snail-hobby home gardeners a non-toxic and ecological alternative to the previous means on the market. The result is a coating for raised beds, bedding borders, greenhouses and pots, where the voracious pests can not find a foothold.

A brilliant idea and reason enough to expand soon beyond the borders of Germany. Especially in the US, the need for anti-snail remedies is said to continue to grow. But does the plan of the two young entrepreneurs really work? For the realization of their dream, they need at least 500,000 euros from the lions. In return, the two founders offer 10 percent of their company shares.

Three lions fight for the Schnexagon deal

© MG RTL D / Bernd-Michael Maurer

Of course, how much potential Schnexagon has is not missed by the jurors in 'The Cave of the Lions'. That's why three out of five top entrepreneurs are willing to invest and bring out the product. Both Ralf Dümmel and the team of two Judith Williams and Frank Thelen would be willing to spend half a million euros in Schnexagon. But they require 30 percent of company shares.

Ralf Dümmel gets the nod

Not an easy decision for the two founders. But in the end, her heart beats for Ralf Dümmel, who promises to bring Schnexagon to market quickly and comprehensively.

Job Success: Meet Judith Williams in Berlin!

© MG RTL D / Bernd-Michael Maurer

Experience 'The Cave of the Lions' star Judith Williams directly and personally at the big ChroniquesDuVasteMonde-Academy event on September 28th in Berlin and learn first-hand how women make it to the top. More information and tickets are available here.

The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap #18 - Der TOLLE Kompass | TLoZ: Minish Cap [German] (May 2024).

Snail, Judith Williams, Frank Thelen, Creature, Carsten Maschmeyer, Dagmar Wöhrl, Ralf Dümmel, The Cave of the Lions