Rolando Villazón

Dear ChroniquesDuVasteMonde, do clothes make people?

Dear Rolando Villazón, Are you just giving the Rodolfo or Alfredo? As an opera singer, you are forced to be a different person all the time, often getting help with clothes. Thanks to the right costumes, the poor tailor in Gottfried Keller's novella "Kleider machen Leute" became a count. "Clothing is a powerful means of communication in our society, and we clothing wearers communicate more and more professionally today," says social psychologist Prof. Dr. med. Carlo Michael Summer. Finally, in times of H & M and multimedia fashion shows, countless cheap and refined means would be available to us. How to use it effectively? Go back a few pages to the latest styling tips. Sure, you are a man, but this is about the theory. Without competent advice, something can go awry for people who are willing to transform: for example, when they put on shoes with excessively high heels, but on which they can only stalk around and still look quite small. Limitless possibilities promises only the Internet. A virtual alter ego can be completely freely designed and dressed. Maybe you have long since run as a style icon Jackie O. through the computer world "Second Life"? We could actually meet there. What do we recognize each other? I am wearing a red dress and call myself "Anna N.". Come to my next performance in the "Second-life" Opernhaus. My great role: the Violetta in "La Traviata". Your ChroniquesDuVasteMonde

Una Furtiva lagrima Rolando Villazon (June 2024).

Rolando Villazón, Anna Netrebko, Hennes & Mauritz, Rolando Villazón, tenor, opera singer, clothes, people, clothing, communication carrier