Rita Ora and Andrew Garfield: After four months everything should be over

Are singer Rita Ora (28) and the "Spider-Man" actor Andrew Garfield (35) separated again? Ever since Paparazzi caught them wandering around London holding hands, their hopes for a speedy joint appearance on the red carpet sprouted. But it will probably nothing more, as reported, among others, "The Sun". According to Garfield, the relationship ended only a few months ago because he no longer thought it possible to keep her private.

The singer is because of the separation on the ground destroyed, it goes on. After all, the two last spent a lot of time together, also celebrated Christmas together. But because she is more in the public spotlight than he is, he has not seen a future together and pulled the ripcord. For more than four months, they did not seem to be able to enjoy happiness together.

Rita Ora and Andrew Garfield 'reportedly split' | Daily Celebrity News | Splash TV (May 2024).

Andrew Garfield, Rita Ora, London, Rita Ora and Andrew Garfield, Rita Ora, Andrew Garfield, Separation