Recognize and fight bed bugs

Recognize living bed bugs

Bedbugs are small, brown and oval, The adult bloodsucker can be seen with the naked eye. They are up to 8.5 millimeters in size. Bedbugs are nocturnal and like dirty clothes. They are very common in beds and mattresses in front. But the parasites also hide behind pictures, wallpaper and cracks, such as sockets and baseboards etc.

Recognize dead bed bugs / nymphs

As bedbugs go through various stages (from the larva to the full-blown bug), you can also experience bed bug infestation shed skins Recognize (nymph skin).

Further information: Kotspuren, smell, eggs


The hiding places of the bugs can also be revealed if their feces are found by them. The tracks are small black to dark red spots, For example, if you find them on mattresses in the hotel or at home, you can assume that the bedbugs are not far away.


A bug infestation can also occur on the sweetish smell of a room. Bedbugs give this off by their so-called 'Stinkdürsen'. While the human nose can perceive this smell only in case of an extreme infestation, there are special detection dogs, which notice this smell immediately.

Bed bug eggs

Female bedbugs lay twelve eggs a day and even up to 200 eggs throughout their lives. The milky-white bedding eggs are only about a millimeter in size and slightly transparent. They are therefore not easy to find, which makes thorough disposal difficult.

Recognize bed bug bite

Bedbugs cause bites, because the parasites feed exclusively on blood. Because the bloodsuckers frequently bite several times, we recognize bed bug bites at the so-called 'bugs road'. The reddened spots are mostly arranged in a row and itch.

Incidentally, fleas bite too, but flea bites itch more and cause blisters compared to bed bug bites.

Bedbugs fighting

Who has bed bugs in the apartment, should always immediately commission the exterminator. However, we can already take the first measures ourselves.

  • Duct tape: Adhesive tape does not help directly with pest control, but at least we can trap the bedbugs and make sure they are really parasites. Simply stick adhesive strips to the possible hiding places.
  • Vacuuming: Vacuum all corners and cracks of the affected room. Even furniture should be crazy for it to get to the backsides. Finally, freeze the vacuum cleaner bag well packed and dispose of it afterwards.
  • Bean leaves: The surface of the bean leaves is slightly hairy and thus holds the bloodsucker. Lay the leaves in the infested areas and then burn them together with the trapped bed bugs and finally dispose of them.
  • Heat and cold treatment: A bed bug does not survive at temperatures above 45 degrees and below -20 degrees. Therefore, for example, smaller infested items can be frozen below -20 degrees for several days.

Prevent bed bugs:

  • Regularly change the sheets and wash and ventilate in the apartment properly.
  • There are mites in each mattress, so they should all be washed for one to two years and replaced every eight years. We reveal what you have to consider when cleaning the mattress.
  • Never leave the suitcase in the hotel room open and do not put it near the bed. After the trip arrived back home, the suitcase should also not be put on the bed.
  • After every holiday not only the dirty clothes, but all the clothes (even if they were not used) should be washed.
  • Thoroughly inspect used furniture, carpets etc. before buying.

Bed Bug Prevention (June 2024).

Furniture, bedding, mattress, pest, combat, smell, comforter, parasite