
Qigong - what is that?

Qigong (Qi - Japanese: life energy, Gong - Japanese: constant practice) is a Far Eastern movement therapy - one of the pillars of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

According to the qigong, physical and emotional complaints are due to the fact that the flow of the life energy Qi is blocked. Movements, conscious breathing, and posture seek to maintain, regenerate, and direct qi to the right places in the body. This is to bring body and mind into balance, help relieve inner tensions and so relieve diseases.

What methods do you use in qigong?

Characteristic of qigong are slow, gentle, flowing movements while standing, sitting or lying down. They have names like "standing like a tree" or "sharing the clouds". There are a variety of different Qigong styles, such as the meditative Silent Qigong (Jinggong) or the dynamic Shaolin Qigong.

For which complaints does Qigong make sense?

Qigong is not used as the sole remedy, but as a complementary therapy. It has proven to be effective against back pain, tension, high blood pressure, arthritis and osteoporosis. Even mental problems such as nervousness, stress or anxiety can be alleviated by Qigong.

How well is Qigong scientifically proven?

For the existence of the life energy Qi there is no scientifically comprehensible basis. Nevertheless, Qigong develops a positive health effect through concentration, breathing and movement. Thus, in scientific studies, an effect of qigong on hypertension and pain has been demonstrated.

What are the limitations of Qigong?

Qigong exercises are usually easy to learn and do not require any special mobility or strength. Therefore, Qigong is also suitable for pregnant women, old and sick people. So that Qigong actually develops a health benefit, one should carry out the exercises as daily as possible.

For whom is Qigong suitable?

Qigong is suitable for anyone who is looking for an inner balance and the desire and time to practice regularly.

How much is the treatment?

Probably the most common way to learn qigong is a folk high school course - about 20 lessons for 70 euros. Some statutory health insurance companies contribute to the costs of a Qigong course, provided that certain criteria are fulfilled (ask!).

An alternative are exercise books, some of which are delivered with CDs or DVDs, such as Shi Xinggui's book "Shaolin Qi Gong: Energy in Motion" (Koha Verlag, 16.95 euros) or Wilhelm Mertens' and Helmut Oberlacks "Qi Gong and wide awake.Feer to practice "(Grafe + Unzer, 16, 95 Euro).

Where is more information?

More information is available from the German Qigong Gesellschaft e.V., Guttenbrunnweg 9, 89165 Dietenheim, Tel. (07347) 3439, www.qigong-gesellschaft.de. On the website you will also find the addresses of accredited Qi Gong teachers (at least three years training) and recognized Qi Gong instructors (1.5 years training).

Qigong for Beginners (May 2024).

Qigong, exercise therapy, life energy, breathing, alternative medicine, qigong