• June 26, 2024

Prince Harry on mental health issues: "I refused to think about my mother"

Hardly a day goes by without mentioning Prince Harry. For years he was considered a party prince, a joker on duty and someone who enjoys his life carefree despite all the royal duties. Hardly anyone knows what the prince really looks like.

Now in an interview with The Telegraph, Harry confesses that the vivacious image he has presented to the public for more than two decades has largely been a façade. The reason for this was the much too early death of his mother Diana in 1997.

"I think I can say without any doubt that the fact that I lost my mother when I was just twelve years old and then spent a good 20 years overriding my grief has a big impact on both my private life and my life also had my job. "

Prince Harry was often on the verge of a "total collapse"

The result was depression and total chaos in his life, which often ended in wild party excesses. "I've probably been on the verge of total collapse on many occasions, I was completely confused because I did not know what would happen to me." He chose the simpler route first: "I stuck my head in the sand and refused to think about my mother."

Finally, his brother William helped him. The 34-year-old should have asked him to seek professional help and to open his family and friends.

© Facebook / Prince Harry

Only at the end of 20 did Prince Harry manage to open up

"He keeps telling me something is wrong, I need to talk to someone, and that's okay." And he was right. With the help of a psychiatrist, Harry managed to work his grief up and finally look hopefully into the future again.

"Over the past two and a half years, I've been working hard on myself and now I can focus on my work again, focusing on my private life."

Today, not much remembers the party prince of that time. Together with his brother and sister-in-law Kate, the 32-year-old has launched the charity organization 'Heads Together', where he campaigns for the open management of mental health problems.

Happy with Meghan Markle - now Prince Harry wants his own family

Harry has finally grown up and now dreams of a life with his own children. Whether he meets this desire soon with Meghan Markle? The 32-year-old has been with the American actress since the summer of 2016 and it seems the two are serious about their relationship. It would be to wish him anyway.

Prince Harry shares emotional struggles after Diana's death (June 2024).

Prince Harry, Princess Diana, collapse, royal family, royal house