One can reflect in these 3D nails

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???? #glassnails #unistella #modi_unistella #shatteredgalssnail #brokenglassnail # ??????

A post shared by Park Eunkyung (@nail_unistella) on Oct 11, 2015 at 9:10 pm PDT

What are Glass Nails?

Instagram, Facebook and Co. present us the latest beauty trends worldwide every day. But only a few looks make the breakthrough. A trend that has definitely made it to the top are glass nails. First seen in Korea, where all women wear the design technique on their fingers. But how does the glass effect come about? The secret: Holographic parts (in the form of mirror films or the plastic acrylic) are cut into geometric shapes and put on the fingers. The silver or colorful parts then shimmer so that they look like glass splinters in daylight.

How can I imitate the trend at home?

Glass splinters on the nails? Sounds dangerous. Fortunately, the manicure uses acrylic splinters in glass optics or shimmering mirror films, which can be purchased in craft shops or online shops.

The nails are first primed with clear or colored nail polish. Subsequently, either individual mirror films are cut into geometric shapes or acrylic tiles are taken in glass look and glued onto the nails. Now still transparent topcoat paint over it? finished.

How it looks in practice is explained in this video.


This 3D nail technique leaves a wow effect. At first glance, it looks a bit unusual, at the second glance you fall in love. But even if everyone in Asia is running around with the glass nails, the trend is not necessarily practical. Washing dishes can be a challenge.

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Indonesian jewelry designer @fromtinyislands and DIY glassnail stickers from @modinail_official & @unistella_by_ek_lab colab. Super affordable chic!


Eye-catcher, Instagram, Facebook, Korea, Plastic, Nail Polish, Glass Nails, Glass Nails, Nail Polish Trend, Nail Trends, Manicure