Meridian expansions: tracks free!

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), there are twelve main meridians in the body, called lanes, in which the life energy Qi flows. If these are blocked, the energy falters - a cause of illness and laxity. The meridian expansions ("Makko-Ho") are intended to reopen the various energy channels that bring the life energy into flux. Schedule about 15 minutes for the exercises (each affects two meridians). If possible, do it in the order given.


  • During stretching should be a pleasant pull, but no pain felt.
  • Keep breathing calmly and evenly during the exercises.
  • Keep the stretch position at the individual stretch limit steady and for a few deep breaths, then slowly dissolve.

Deep breath: Strengthens lung and colon meridian, improves breathing and digestion

Stand upright, feet open hip-wide. Put your arms behind your back, hook your thumbs and put your index fingers together (the colon meridian starts at the index finger), Make the arms long, the fingertips towards the ground and the vertex of the head upwards. Now raise your arms straight and lean your upper body out of your hips, holding your hands up and over your head as far as you can. The legs are stretched, the weight is distributed on the soles of the feet. Relax the neck and relax your head. Relax more with every exhale. Then roll up vortex for vortex.

Gut feeling: Stretches gastric, spleen and pancreatic meridians, improves metabolism

Sit on your heels (maybe put a towel under hocks, or knees), the thighs are parallel to each other. Tilt the upper body as upright as possible and place your hands on the floor - the fingertips point to the back. To deepen the stretching in the groin and thigh front, slowly raise the pelvis forwards. If possible, tilt your head gently towards the neck. If this exercise is effortless and painless in the back (only then!), Gently shift the weight to the forearms and lean the upper body further back. When the back, shoulders and head touch the ground, extend your arms over your head to the back. The knees remain on the ground. As a balance exercise for the back then tilt the upper body in the heel forward, with the forehead touching the ground and the arms with the palms up laterally next to the upper body.

Herzenssache: Stretches the heart and small intestine meridian, providing emotional harmony

Sit upright on the ground, the soles of the feet lie against each other and have some distance to the pelvis, the knees sink outwards. The toes with the hands include, the little fingers lie under the Fußausßenkanten (on the little finger starts the small intestine meridian, or ends the heart meridian). Now tilt the upper body upright from the hip far forward. Put your elbows in front of your lower legs. Make your back long and let your head sink gradually. Then slowly raise.

support: Stretches kidney and bladder meridian, relieves back problems

Upright, sit with legs stretched out on the floor, toes pointing upwards, possibly put a small pillow under the buttocks. Stretch arms vertically upwards. Then from the hip tilt your back as far as possible. The lower legs or toes include. Legs and knees stay stretched all the time on the floor. Stretch the upper body long and far forward. Slowly back to the starting position.

Wärmespender: Stretches the cardiovascular and triple heat meridians, providing physical harmony

Cross-legged on the ground, upper body upright. Cross your arms in front of your body, put your hands on your knees. Tilt the upper body as far as possible from the hip far forward. Lower your arms and head slowly. The pool stays on the ground. Then roll up vortex for vortex.

force transmitter: Stretches liver and gallbladder meridian, provides resistance

Sit on the ground with your legs wide apart and stretched, maybe put a pillow under the pelvis. The back is upright. Stretch both arms and hands vertically upwards. Tilt upper body and arms to the left, while raising the chest and breathing deeply into the stretched right side. The look goes to the right foot. Slowly back to the middle. Page change.

benefactor: Relaxation situation

This exercise is not part of the meridian stretching, but is ultimately a blessing. Lie supine, knees to chest and cover with hands. Let the breath flow. Then let your legs slide to the floor, place your arms next to your upper body and trace the meridian expansions for a while.

Here are the exercises as pdf free to download

Note: To download the pdf documents you need the Acrobat Reader, which you can download here for free.

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