Men and their health

Men are "healthiness". They are more afraid of hair loss than of getting sick. For them, performance and strength count and they are tough. What harm their body, they hardly worry about it. As the researchers show, they go to the doctor voluntarily and rarely as often as possible. At the most in an emergency, when a leg is broken or the liver fails. While women pay attention to their body's warning signals, "real guys" often ignore them until it's too late. Nevertheless, four out of five men say they are in good health. And of course they think they have enough to do. Discussion excluded.

"Men see their body as a tool," says Professor Frank Sommer, an expert in men's health at the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf. And this tool will be used until it breaks down. Only then will a fitter, ie doctor visited, so that a few necessary repairs can be made. "To listen to oneself and, if necessary, to step down a little shorter, as is natural for women, men do not want to have anything to do with this", says the andrologist from experience.

Many men want to be real guys - and ruin their health

They would have every reason to do so. The life expectancy of men at 76 years is still 5.6 years below that of women. Up to the age of 50, the supposedly strong sex suffers twice as frequently from high blood pressure as women, with possible consequences: kidney damage, heart failure and strokes. The risk of dying from cardiovascular disease is three times greater for men. But Indians know no pain. That's what men have learned since childhood. So they clench their teeth and fight their way through everyday life. In addition, they appear to have a higher pain threshold than women. So they do not notice very late or not at all that something hurts them. And not infrequently, according to Frank Sommer, they are so focused on career goals that they think they can not make do with "Zipperlein" or even be able to take precautions.

For example, as the DAK Health Report showed in 2007, only one out of every four people makes the annual cancer screening study paid by the health insurance companies, which is now taken for granted by two out of three women. "Men prefer to bring their car to the TÜV, as to register themselves for precaution," says DAKChef Herbert Rebscher. They have a different body awareness than women and other criteria for what is "sick" and "healthy".

Amazing that still often enough even a little summer flu enough to throw them off track. Then they lie, we all know it, wailing in bed and complaining about a 24-hour supply. Does not that contradict the image of the strong man? "Not at all," says the andrologist. "Of course, we men are not always strong, but because we can express it so badly, a cold is sometimes the only way to show weakness and need for leaning." Experts now believe that men, genetically determined, are more susceptible to disease than women. However, they could significantly influence their health with a balanced diet, less stress and a more conscious lifestyle. This is confirmed, among other things, by studies by the University of Rostock, which have examined the life expectancy in monasteries.

Far away from everyday stress, alcohol and nicotine men live more than four years longer. And more relaxed. Outside of monastery walls, men barely manage a life-prolonging lifestyle. For masculinity is still equated with strength in our society. It's about hiding feelings and getting through. Fatal, that favors alcohol and nicotine consumption. 30 percent of all men between the ages of 30 and 64? that's twice as many as women? According to a study by the Robert Koch Institute, they drink more than they enjoy. 37 percent of people over the age of 18 smoke regularly, and men use drugs that are ten times more likely to be hard than women. And they often throw themselves excessively into their work. "If you can not emotionally go out of yourself, you need the addiction to distract yourself from your inner loneliness," explains Dr. med. Mathias Jung, a couple therapist from Lahnstein.

No wonder that in recent years mental illnesses have risen dramatically in men as well. Especially depression is common. However, recognizing them is often difficult because men tend to get "atypical" symptoms. While women are more sad and passive, men become aggressive and angry. Headache and backache can also indicate depression.However, because men do not admit to suffering from a supposed "gynecological disease", and rarely confide in a doctor, the disease remains unrecognized for a long time. Not harmless! After all, two-thirds of all suicides are men.

Meanwhile, men can be examined for their health

But despite all the negative numbers, there is also a bright spot. Professor Sommer has come to the conclusion that the movement of supergiants is slowly starting to move: "Twenty years ago, only about 12 percent of all men regularly went to the check-up every two years, but now there are 20 percent Development potential, but the trend is positive. " The motivation that drives men into practice is different. However, partners who urge them to do something for their health barely achieve anything. Men have to make their own decisions. "Many do not want to become like their fathers, others want to see their children grow up from a second or third marriage," says Frank Sommer. And when they then have tables and charts of their blood levels and body functions in hand, they usually find it difficult to enter into a daily contest with their bodies.

Recommended reading: Frank Sommer and Michael Schophaus: "Stand Your Man! The Best Tips for Health, Sex and Happiness", Kösel Verlag, 176 pp., 17.95 Euro Mathias Jung: "Reine Männersache", Emu Verlag, 281 pp., 15, 80 euro

Men's Sexual Health with Mike Hsieh, MD (May 2024).

Frank Sommer, Hamburg-Eppendorf, men, body