Meghan and Harry: That's why England wishes for an Easter baby

The betting shops in the UK are running hot. That's right, the English are betting when Baby Sussex will finally be born. Finally, Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry make a big secret of when and where their royal offspring is finally born. Currently, the odds are 3: 1 for Easter Sunday.

It will be a girl!

On Easter Sunday, the Queen is celebrating her 93rd birthday. Thus, there would be a double reason to celebrate right away. Incidentally, the rate that Baby Sussex Elisabeth is called, is currently at 6: 1. Because the English are convinced, the royal baby will be a girl, In the case of a boy, the most money is spent on the Albert and Philip names.

Is the baby already there?

Only recently came wild rumors that Baby Sussex might already be there and Meghan is thinking of hiring a male nanny for the child. What comes to pass in the end? We can be curious!

Videotipp: Royal Baby for Harry and Meghan: These kids will play later!

Six clues Meghan Markle has fooled us all with Baby Sussex - Buckingham Palace remains tight-lipped (May 2024).

Easter Sunday, England, Englishman, Great Britain, Prince Harry