Main thing, slept well?

French kiss. Let clutch come. Fall asleep. There are things in human existence that you should do without thinking about them. Even in dealing with angry partners and pin numbers a natural, almost unconscious approach is recommended. If you start pondering, it usually goes wrong. Unfortunately, I myself am the most average and best example: If I urgently need money, rush to the machine and whisper mantramäßig four numbers in front of me, then it is guaranteed right back so far: "The entered PIN is wrong. " Or: The more pedagogically sensible and well-read I respond to my difficult life partner, the greater the chance that I sipping champagne a few minutes later with a single girlfriend and they devotional envy for their way of life. Or: As soon as I start to consciously breathe, I feel close to suffocation. As soon as I start consciously park, the line of honking know-it-alls behind me gets longer and longer. And: The more urgent I want to fall asleep, the wiser I lie.

After all, the more important the appointment is at eight in the morning, the higher the likelihood that you have not closed your eyes at one. although you have been meditating in bed for ten years, with cuddly socks made of angora wool on the feet, two cups of room-warm organic sleeping tea in the blood and a 5000-euro mattress made of intermolecular pressed cold foam under the butt. Not surprising that the German sleeps best when he does not have to: from Saturday to Sunday. The most restless night in Germany, however, is the Sunday from Monday to Monday, because it's back on the next morning to come across powerful and relaxed. Only half of the Germans sleep well enough. If you are one of them, just make it clear that you are getting away now. Anyone who does not know what a concealer is and that he was invented to cover dark circles, anyone who has never seen the unspeakable "Sexy Clips" on the television night program, anyone who has never eaten Nutella bread at three in the morning , the snoring partner, the merciless alarm clock that cursed rotating thoughts, should immediately stop reading. To the profile. Next sleep. Good night. Because when you realize how important sleep is, how vital, how fragile it is, what a rarity gift it is, that 90 percent of our health depends on the quality of our sleep, when you realize what it is Pig luck you have because you have no problem? Well, then you might soon have one. And then it would be over with the blessed night's sleep. And then you would see in many other apartments even at the wrong time, the light and the fridge door opens.

12 million Germans have a sleep problem that really needs treatment. And it will not really surprise us, that we women are again far ahead in sleeping badly. Stress and depression keep men awake too. But I just say hormones. These damn things affect our sleep during menstruation, during the first days of the cycle and just after ovulation. There is not much time to rest. Even in the menstruation-free times, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, there is no reason to rejoice: ever turned in bed from right to left with three pounds of baby in the stomach and two cup sizes more per breast? Ever looked in the mirror in the morning as the mother of an infant who does his honor at midnight, at two, at three and at six? No, you do not look any better than you feel. If you are a woman who has it all, the menopause comes with nocturnal hot flashes. And then you're still old for a while. And old people are sleeping bad anyway. "I love sleep, but he does not love me." That says my friend Anja. By the time she was 16, she had not noticed that she slept too little. She thought it was perfectly normal to wake up at least four times a night, get up, eat, read, do homework. The night was always part of the day for her, only darker. The familiar sound of her childhood was the bread slicer? at four in the morning. "Someone in my family used to be in the kitchen at the time, so I thought it had to, I loved children's books that played at night," Peter's Moon Ride "and" The Little Hedgehog Man. "At eleven, I started making coffee to drink." Even the tiredness during the day seemed natural to her. Until she first stayed with her boyfriend. He fell asleep on his back within seconds, snoring and smacking to himself and waking up after eight hours. "I envied him with mild aggression.That night, I developed a propensity for sleeping goggles, earplugs, and separate bedrooms. "I have to say that in my private home there is almost no woman who does not suffer from the noises her partner makes at night." I would love him very much like to strangle "or" How could I marry such a grunting monster? "Among the statements about snoring men are still the friendliest.However, a man does not even have to snore to awaken veritable hatred of his awake companion. The fact that he sleeps while rolling himself around is already felt like an affront, it's like living with someone who eats a box of Toffifee every night and still fits into his confirmant suit while you're gaining on yourself Treat yourself to two pine nuts on the salad.

Living alongside people who can sleep and eat without problems is hard. And traveling on the side of such deep sleepers is no joy. My friend Bert crackles everywhere immediately. It is enough for him to lie down. Or sit down. Or get bored. The fleshed island of tranquility. He's just the guy whose head sinks in the plane onto your shoulder when the machine crashes from hole to hole with a creaking sound. And as you mentally prepare yourself for an emergency landing, spit out saliva from his mouth onto your bloody, sweat-drenched blouse. Bert even fell asleep - and that's really not invented - while his mother talked to him! And no, not on the phone, it was Easter, and she sat in the chair and he was on the couch. "The only bad thing was," says Bert until today, guiltless, "that she has not even noticed." Now, however, fate has punished him with a woman who can fall asleep badly, preferring to discuss the relationship at night and feel disturbed by the ticking of Bert's alarm clock. Now and then she secretly packs the alarm clock in a towel and puts it under the bed. As a result, they still have the ticking, but they do not hear the ringing. For some couples, I'm really wondering why they are so stubborn about the idea of ​​a shared night camp. One should sometimes commission a study of how many former lovers would still love each other if one of them had moved into their own bed in due time. I alone know two women who can not fall asleep without sleeping glasses. One of them is additionally on a lambskin and, depending on the season, under an electric blanket. "To ensure the optimal sleep temperature of 29 degrees below the ceiling," she says. I like this woman a lot, but when it comes to sleeping, she's a bit hysterical. Your friend always makes fun of it? Often, however, he is the one who wears lambskin in the morning, and she, who wakes up at the corner of the big bed, wears only sleeping glasses.

But that's nothing against the wonderful sentence: "Just a few more pages, little mouse." While you are concerned about beauty sleep and cell renewal, turn off the light point ten o'clock, is on the bed half next door until well after midnight penetrating roaring with the "FAZ" - Feuilleton. Earplugs? Forget it!

It is extremely important that you understand each other well as a couple in bed, because, one has to imagine: We spend a third of our lives with sleep. Much more than eating, sex, sports, on vacation or haircutting. And yet there are many, much more dietary guides, yoga guides and travel guides than books about successful sleep. One third of life! With a life expectancy of 80, that's almost 27 years! Five years of it are all about dreaming. A murderous part of human life, and one would think that it is at least as well researched as the proportion of life that man spends, say, Nordic Walking. But it is not like that.

The most embarrassing question one can ask a sleep researcher is therefore: "What exactly is sleep?" Sleep remains mysterious, somehow even scary. Even today I feel queasy, when I remember the Einschlaflied my childhood, with the negligent line: "Tomorrow morning, if God willing, you will be woken again." Yes, dear, and if he does not want to? Then I have to sleep forever? Then maybe I'll stay stuck forever in the "perception hole in time"? Not from me, but from the American sleep researcher William C. Dement. I did not sleep well, and my mother quickly rewrote the song to avoid later sleep disturbances: "Tomorrow early, when God wills ..."

It worked. Today I love to fall asleep. This beautiful, waxy, homely moment. If someone who means well with me, makes even love small sounds in the kitchen or next door in front of the muggle TV sits. Then I give myself, and my most beautiful home is sleep, "which wrinkles the forehead of grief, balm of wounded minds, the most healing refreshment of nature, and the most nutritious food in the banquet of life." No, that too is contrary to expectations not from me, but from William Shakespeare.

Neurobiologist Peter Spork has written a fat book about sleeping. He knows every sleep study and every experiment - even nematodes and jellyfish need their sleep, and rats die after 16 days of sleep deprivation! Peter Spork says, "What exactly happens in your sleep, you do not know that yet, but what is clear is that something happens, night after night, which is outrageously important." Our brain has to be alone, locked away from the outside world to weight, to work. "

In deep sleep, the brain sorts the memory contents. Unimportant neural connections are broken down, important stored in the long-term memory of the cerebrum. For example, if you want to remember your pin number, you should often think about it while you are awake. Then the brain knows that it should take this memory seriously, and stores it in its sleep. Peter Spork says, "When you go through the night after a tennis coaching session, you spend the money for free, and during training you build new neural connections that get lost after 30 hours without sleep - and then you do not play better than someone, Some researchers even consider preventing people from sleeping after a traumatic experience, so that they forget what they are experiencing and do not suffer permanent damage. "

Sleep | How To Fall Asleep | How To Sleep Fast (May 2024).

Sleep, Leave, Ildikó von Kürthy, Automat, Germany, Sleep, Sleep Disorder