• June 16, 2024

Low Bun: The Best Autumn Hairstyle for Bad Hair Days

As soon as they hear the word hairstyle, some of us flinch. The reason: Usually this means time and effort. And well, many do not feel like it. Incidentally, we're one of those too ... But this fall trend shows that a cool hairstyle does not necessarily have to be elaborate. On the contrary: the more unwanted, the better.

Low Bun: THE trend hairstyle on Instagram

Especially on Instagram we see It-GIrls and Influencer with probably the simplest hairstyle for the fall: the Low Bun. Even if it is not new, it has not arrived in many bathrooms yet. And that should change quickly. Because this hairstyle is not only super easy, but also saves you on Bad Hair Days. Yay!

Check out this post on Instagram

A post shared by iluvsarahii (@iluvsarahii) on Sep 27, 2018 at 4:20 PDT

How it works? Very easily. If your hair just does not want to sit or lie, you can simply twist it into a small knot in the neck. Her hair is behind her ear and you're ready. It could not be easier. And the best part is that the hairstyle looks great at EVERY hair length. Because even a mini-bun can look just as good as a really voluminous knot.

Simple and fast: Two variants for everyday life

Either you decide from the outset for the Messy variant and pulls the hair rather untidy through the hair elastic and leave here and there a few strands. Anyone who has more time in the morning and likes the sleek look, simply combs the sides of the head, binds a bun and fixes the hair with hair spray. If some hair falls out during the day, it does not matter. It makes the low bun in doubt only more beautiful.

Check out this post on Instagram

A post shared by Caroline Daur (@carodaur) on Sep 30, 2018 at 12:35 PDT

For example, with Model Caro Daur, we almost only ever see the Low Bun. And that is indeed the best proof that the hairstyle is absolutely everyday but also high fashion fit, right? If these two variants are not enough for you, then we'll also give you 18 styling variants for the Low Bun here. If you do not find the perfect version for you, then we do not even know.

Our videoclip: That's why Meghan Makrle always wears a bun

QUICK Low BUN Tutorial | BAD HAIR DAY || Mom Does My Voiceover! (June 2024).

Dutt, hairstyle idea, favorite hairstyle