Left-handers - heroes of everyday life

About one in ten of us is one: a left-hander. And it's not always easy with that. For this reason, every year on 13th August the International Left-Hander Day draws attention to this minority for about 30 years. Fortunately, the days are over when left-handed children were forcibly retrained to the right and the left hand was generally considered inferior or bad.

But maybe the world would be a little bit happier if we all left more: Eight reasons why left-handers are the better people.

1 .: Left-handers are smarter.

At least there are twice as many left-handers among the smartest of the clever as in the general population. For example, the exceptional physicists Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton were leftists.

2nd: Left-handers have a finer pitch than right-handed people.

You can distinguish pitches better. Maybe that's why we owe so much great music to them: Dylan, Hendrix, McCartney, Bowie, Mozart, Beethoven, and Schumann are just some of the left-handed geniuses.

3 .: Left-handers are more creative.

There are many left-handers among architects and artists. And some of them, such as Michelangelo, were even both: builders and painters and, on top of that, sculptors and poets.

4th: Left-handers are the faster Tippsen.

Because the most frequently used letters A, E, R, S and T are on the left side of the keyboard. So you make more attacks for the same money, and the boss is happy.

5 .: Left-handers are the better athletes.

At least in some sports more than half of the top athletes are left-handed: in tennis or fencing, for example.

This is probably because their right-handed opponents are getting along worse with the left play and therefore often lose out.

6th: Left-handers recover faster after brain injuries and strokes.

Probably because the halves of the brain work more together with left-handers, damage on the one hand can be compensated for by the other.

7 .: Left-handers are more adaptable.

They are almost heroes of everyday life, because they have to work permanently in a right-dominant world. If you are a right-handed person wondering why left-handers sometimes seem a bit clumsy, you may want to tinker with left-handed scissors and ruler or try to reach the ravioli with a left-handed can opener. This is anything but easy from the hand.

8 .: Left-handers feed more often vegetarian than right-handed.

That says at least one study. Nobody knows why this is so. But it's still good: our climate is so much less burdening them.

And otherwise?

The following study results will be on this day of honor simply times generously under the table:

Also among the mentally handicapped one finds increasingly left-handed people. Left-handers are more likely schizophrenic than right-handed. They smoke more often and more. Are more dyslexic. And apparently marry less often, get fewer children and some statistics are also rather criminal.

7 Left-Handed Heroes and the Unexpected Reasons They’re Southpaws (May 2024).

Albert Einstein, left-hander