Katarina Barley: Do not discuss salary? Already a mistake

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: One reason for the salary gap between women and men is unfortunately also: women rarely demand more money. You worked as a lawyer until you joined the Bundestag in 2013? did you have to negotiate your salary?

Katarina Barley: Yes, and it was hard for me. At my first job interview with a federation, I was asked for my ideas and got into swimming. Back then, right after the exam, I was not sure how much I could ask for. Already a mistake. The first job I accepted was in a law firm. I had learned from my experience and called a sum, but my later boss said he would want to go down a bit for the reason. I did not talk big, but accepted that. Of course I would do it differently today. But I know that feeling many women have on the subject. And I think that lies? also with me? the attitude: I have to make the work enjoyable, I have to see a meaning in it, that is more important than the salary.

Did you always know if you earn the same as your male colleagues?

In the job in the law firm, I soon found out that I did not earn as much as the others. After that, I went to the public service, because the problem has settled.

In the job in the law firm, I soon found out that I did not earn as much as the others.

What was your best investment so far?

You mean: financially? I was a big fan of Federal Treasury letters. They had completed my parents in a high-interest phase for me. And when they were paid, I was very excited.

And your craziest investment?

That was two years ago: a Karman Ghia convertible, cream-colored with a black top, pretty much the same age as I was, built in 1969. Like most women, I have a pragmatic relationship with cars. They have to be reliable and not completely slow. But I always wanted to have that. I had painted quite different sums, in the end he was much cheaper than a Golf. And I justify myself again, as you notice. This question? May I afford that ?, Which is already deep. Crazy, right?

Белое солнце пустыни (приключения, реж. Владимир Мотыль, 1969 г.) (May 2024).