Josh Duhamel: actor is committed to animal welfare

Josh Duhamel (46, "Sun plays life") shows full commitment to animal welfare and now visited the Grumeti Reserve in Tanzania to complete an Africa trip. The 140,000-acre private wildlife sanctuary sits on the western border of Serengeti National Park. Via Instagram, he let his followers share his impressions and posted numerous snapshots.

The Hollywood star spent several days with the nonprofit organization African Community & Conservation Foundation. "I've always focused on raising awareness of the fight against poaching, but my current trip is about so much more ... promoting local communities, empowering women and developing protected areas," the actor said Reasons behind his trip. His trip seems to have moved Duhamel powerful: In a group picture with members of the organization wrote the ex-husband of singer Fergie (43) farewell: "Goodbye lions, leopards, giraffes and baboons. Goodbye you great people from Tanzania I'm sure you'll see you soon. "

Pedigree | A Home Run for Dogs: A David Ortiz Story (May 2024).

Animal Welfare, Tanzania, Serengeti, Josh Duhamel, Africa, Animal Welfare