Jennifer Aniston does not need children to feel like a woman

Jennifer Aniston does not need children to be happy - fine!

Dear Jennifer Aniston,

Yes, business as usual is for you: A new movie with you is coming up soon, and it fits in well to give the press a good headline. As far as possible from your private life, the world fascinates so much since your spectacular separation from Brad Pitt almost ten years ago.

But we do not want to be cynical: when you said in the American "The Today Show" that you do not understand what your "lack" of children should have to do with your value as a woman or a feminist - there you are the soul spoken.

This should not come across wrong: we love children, of course we do. Many in the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde editorial have themselves and do not be afraid to impose cute snapshots on their Facebook contacts regularly. Nobody feels "more valuable" or even "feminine" just because he says "Mama!" At home. is welcomed.

Why? Women are not baby-factories (even if that's still the case), and what they do or are "worth" (whatever that means) depends on what they do and how they treat other people. Actually, very simple.

Or, as you say in the interview, "I do not have a checklist of things to do now, and if I can not do that, I somehow failed as a feminist or as a woman, or am not worth a wife because I gave birth to no child. " In terms of the many things that you have achieved meanwhile, you have also added the beautiful phrase "I gave birth to many things".

Video: The "Today-Show" -Interview (impatient topic starts in minute 2:10)

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Similarly, you expressed that in February in your interview with feminist Gloria Steinem - and you'll probably reap much headwind from indignant anti-feminists, who always like to explain what a real woman has to be.

But - pfff - headwind? Headwinds for decades you get for every new partner, haircut or bad movie start. Criticism of your childlessness can not bring you out of the peace. And presumably, a few grunts on conservative US broadcasters like "Fox News" are the lesser evil compared to being asked the rest of your life on the red carpet, when a baby is finally on the road.

Exactly that is the annoyance of the whole "right women have kids" nonsense: that so many people take for granted, you (and all other childless women) would be "incomplete", and the absent offspring rather a matter of dates rather than a conscious decision.

Therefore, in the name of all women who are fed up with reaping pitying looks, being harassed by parents every Christmas, "Soon it's too late!" - to hear grandma's comments or the silly "wife must be mother" Demands from conservative politicians: Thank you, Jennifer Aniston! It had to be said again!

Jennifer Aniston 'Fed Up' Over Pregnancy Rumors (June 2024).

Jennifer Aniston, Brad Pitt, Facebook, Jennifer Aniston, Friends, Hollywood, Children, Family, Interview