Japanese Zodiac: What does yours say?

You can never know enough about yourself! Indian Zodiac, Ascendant, Partner Horoscope? all great sources, to learn some very interesting things about us. We have another opened: Japanese zodiac! Because they work, just like food, for example, quite different from our European ones (or do you eat your breakfast with chopsticks ...?).

Japanese Zodiac: How do they come about?

As in the Chinese horoscope, the Japanese signs of the zodiac do not depend on the month of birth or the exact day, but mainly on the Year of birth, No wonder: the Japanese have her Calendar system borrowed from the Chinese Empire?Their zodiac signs, too, resemble those of their great neighbor to the west. However, resembling is not the same, after all, Japan has its own independent culture and in its framework, symbols, calendar assignment and meaning have been slightly modified.

Which makes things much easier for us: The Japanese are now using the Gregorian calendar as we do and celebrate New Year with us on January 1st? not only with the Chinese on 5 February. Therefore, in the Japanese horoscope begins every January 1, a new zodiac year. And since there are twelve Japanese zodiac signs, the signs of the zodiac repeat every twelve years. In the table you will find an overview of the Japanese zodiac signs related to the birth years.

Overview of the Japanese Zodiac

Japanese term
(pure Japanese reading)

German namebirth year
neRat / Mouse?, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, ?
ushiBuffalo / beef / ox..., 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, ?
toratiger?, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, ?
uHare ?, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, ?
tatsuDragon?, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, ?
Wed.Snake?, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, ?
umahorse?, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026, ?
hitsujiGoat sheep?, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027, ?
sarumonkey?, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028, ?
toritap?, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029, ?
inudog?, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030, ?
iBoar / Pig?, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031, ?

Japanese zodiac signs and their properties

As we call a virgin perfectionism and a bull pragmatism, in China and Japan we associate special character strengths and weaknesses with each animal. Here are the twelve short portraits of the Japanese zodiac signs.


Who is born in the year of the rat or mouse, which is said to have great creative genius and cosmopolitanism, the rat is considered by the Japanese as particularly creative. However, with her temperament, she can be intimidating to some people, and even her extremely critical nature can be considered exhausting.


As a buffalo, ox or cattle, you are typically left with a healthy self-confidence in nature. So you act trustworthy? finally, self-confidence radiates to others. Buffaloes usually have a talent for strategic thinking and can lead well. They should just be careful not to drift off into a self-obsessed, narcissistic track ...


Tigers are considered extremely emotional and sensitive. They shape their lives with passion and enthusiasm, with their fellow human beings they treat it lovingly and respectfully. Sometimes they may come over a bit hotheaded, but behind them is just an extra dose of feeling.


One suspects it already because of its shape: The bunny is friendly and affable, someone that you like to invite to a party. However, rabbits are often quite conservative and biting each other? out of fear and the need for self-protection? every now and then a bit too much in their habits.


Dragons have a great ingenuity and are often above-average and intelligent. Her biggest problem: her perfectionism and her high demands on herself can easily bring her down ...


Snakes have a good intuition by nature and learn exceptionally fast. This makes them wise and clever. Unfortunately, they do not understand much fun and are prone to stinginess, which can get quite conflicting with their otherwise romantically inclined nature.


The horse is hardworking and disciplined and often impresses others with his strength and endurance. However, it is difficult with flexibility, and compassion is not one of the typical strengths of the horse.


The goat, also called sheep, has a special sense of aesthetics. That often gives you charm and elegance that will captivate everyone else? unless she's downright down with her pessimism and accusatory nature ...


Monkeys do not mince words. They are direct and courageous in their dealings with others, but they run the risk of being derailed into the arrogant and the opportunistic.


Roosters are right bundles of energy. They get up first thing in the morning and go to bed last night. However, they also like to rub the other's nose under the nose and therefore occasionally seem a bit boastful and big-headed.


Like the four-legged friend of man, the Japanese zodiac sign is considered to be especially loyal, honest and reliable. However, you can easily throw the dog off track, because he is overly worried and is comparatively anxious.

wild boar

The pig or boar is typically ambitious and purposeful, but very value conscious and honest. His biggest problem: this honesty and good intentions imply that others, too, say, it is sometimes too good-faith and naive, which, unfortunately, occasionally gets into trouble.

Japanese Zodiac: Why "earth", sometimes "water"?

Often we still find in connection with Chinese or Japanese zodiac signs more details like "earth-pig" or "fire-cock". That's because the Chinese calendar system different divisions knows: besides the "twelve earth branches", which determine the kind of animals in astrology, there is also the "Transformation phases" or "five elements" Wood, fire, earth, metal and water. They change in the five-year cycle, that is, if I z. For example, I'm born 60 years old, so for Japanese and Chinese, 60 marks a very special age, marks the end of a life cycle, and celebrates its 60th anniversary as a "return to birth."

Videotipp: This is the secret superpower of your zodiac sign

THE STORY OF THE ZODIAC (ENGLISH) Animation of Japanese Folktale/Fairytale for Kids (May 2024).

Zodiac, Japan, Horoscope, Rabbit, Ascendant