Jan Böhmermann: ZDF show "Let yourself be monitored" - without time limit!

Just do it as long as you feel like - ZDF has apparently issued this blank note to chief cynic Jan Böhmermann (37). Böhmi is not allowed to switch from the ZDFneo station to the main station on November 2 this year. Program head Norbert Himmler also proved his incredible confidence with the show "Let yourself be monitored": "I told Jan Böhmermann that he was sending late into the night He has told me that it has always been his dream, in between times in a show to the 'today' news to Mainz to pass and then continue with the show "What happens," he revealed "Golden Camera".

In the best "Wetten, dass ..?" - Manner under Thomas Gottschalk (68) on this day the adjacent broadcasts must therefore be based on Böhmermann's stamina. Hardly imaginable anyway, that he misses the chance to have early morning in the morning at ZDF.

The starting signal of "let yourself be watched" is from 23:00, directly after the "today's show". The concept of the show is already well known to fans of Böhmermann's "Neo Magazin Royale". Under the rubric of the same name, the team of the show rummages through the Twitter, Instagram and Facebook profiles of the spectators present and confronts them in the show with the most embarrassing postings. The added value of the ZDF show should be, "that we want to point out to younger viewers what they reveal with their information on the net," Himmler continues.

Hass im Internet | NEO MAGAZIN ROYALE mit Jan Böhmermann - ZDFneo (July 2024).

Jan Böhmermann, ZDF, ZDFneo, Jan Böhmermann, Let Yourself Be Monitored, Neo Magazine Royal