Jörg Thadeusz

Dear ChroniquesDuVasteMonde, from whom does a woman expect more in the long run: from a man or a girlfriend?

Dear Jörg Thadeusz, A spontaneous survey on our editorial floor has shown that seven out of 22 ChroniquesDuVasteMonde women are more likely to bet on their girlfriends: "Men come and go, girlfriends stay." Their question shows what sociologists have been observing for years: friendships are becoming more important. A look at the divorce rate is enough: more than every third marriage in Germany is divorced. Girlfriends are becoming more and more of an electoral affinity for women, traveling with them on holiday and not only giving great support in times of crisis. Already Aristotle recognized the inestimable value of friendships and demanded that the state should make friendship higher than justice. The Greek philosopher distinguished between three types: utility, pleasure and virtue friendships. The latter considered Aristotle the highest and most stable form, for those who are valued do not part with one another so quickly. Pleasure and benefits simply are not enough for a long-term relationship. Let's make the most of it and also cultivate our marriage with much friendship; especially from the third to the eleventh year of marriage, because in this time the divorce risk is greatest in Germany. Therefore, even unmarried people like you should understand the term "friend" (for "partner") often used more often by your partner quite literally. In a friendly way your ChroniquesDuVasteMonde

Jörg Thadeusz, Journalist (April 2024).

Germany, all-rounder, poetry slam, RBB, Grimme Prize, radio program, television program, Aristotle, type consulting, Jörg Thadeusz, moderator, author