Inner restlessness: That really helps against it

Who knows her knows how corrosive she is: inner unrest. It feels like you have a big lump in your stomach or a stone on your chest that keeps getting bigger and bigger. And then you get sick and you can not sleep because of your nervousness, because your thoughts can not calm down. Instead, you circle around and around yourself and feel exhausted the next morning. Tools have to come through to break the loop. With these 5 tips succeeds:

Smartphone away, laptop off - take a break!

Silence is good for our brains and for our well-being. On the other hand, anyone who is constantly energized in his free time and can be reached by the boss or his colleagues can never really switch off. This is so important. After all, the body and head need rest periods to relax. Because: "Are there no longer these breaks, the tension increases.When they are no longer for a long time, then the tension eventually becomes permanent and manifests itself in symptoms - physical, mental or both." reveals Harald Gündel, medical director of the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy at the University Hospital Ulm opposite the world. Anxiety, sleep disturbances, restlessness, and nervousness can then be the result.

Inner restlessness, where are you from?

If you have consciously perceived the inner turmoil, the first step is already done. The feeling of registering and not just pushing aside is at the same time the most important step.

Why is this coming now? Is there anything that incriminates, annoys, annoys or employs me? - Only when you truly question your feelings honestly can you begin to fight the causes of unrest. Especially if symptoms and symptoms persist for longer.

Flower Power: Using the power of the plants against inner unrest

Valerian, Lavender, St. John's Wort and Co have a calming or mood-enhancing effect without any unwanted side effects. Naturally, the pharmacist also advises you if you describe your complaints. St. John's wort, for example, acts as an antidepressant, but only naturally. Nevertheless, it is important that these remedies only alleviate the symptom and do not combat the cause of your suffering. So it does not replace the step of taking a close look and questioning what is the cause of the inner turmoil or anxiety. If you can not get rid of the feeling, you should go to the family doctor. He can determine if the inner agitation indicates a beginning illness, possibly a nutritional deficiency or a malfunction of the thyroid stuck behind the nervousness. If necessary, he also recommends psychotherapy.

Chill your base: relaxation techniques and acupuncture.

As soon as you tell somebody that somehow you feel uncomfortable and can not rest, you are guaranteed to get one: YOGA. The whole world feels like yoga. That's right. Because the relaxation techniques such as mindfulness exercises, meditation, yoga or MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) help with inner restlessness, has now been proven multiple times. "These techniques are not just symptomatic, they are effective against the overreaching, which is often the cause of anxiety, and I advocate attending a proper course, and under guidance, with a trainer, such techniques are easier to learn." so Harald Gündel. Anyone who does not feel like doing yoga can go for a run or a walk - also clears the head.

Whether acupuncture helps with this condition, however, is not proven, but as a placebo guaranteed not to despise. True to the motto: It helps, what heals! Nevertheless, also applies here: Find the cause of your inner restlessness, if you really want to fight the symptoms in the long term.

Falling asleep: With Bibi and Tina depend on inner restlessness

I am neither a horse girl, nor do I particularly like farm romance, but: Whenever my head turns wild in the evening in the evening and I just can not get out of the rotating mental carousel, I pull in a radio play Bibi and Tina and I sleep pretty sure at some point. Of course, there are also other radio plays, audiobooks or maybe even a real book. Only too exciting it should not be better.

What is Akathisia? (May 2024).
