Inflamed gums: prevention and treatment

What happens in the body?

Whether stress, menopause, a weakened immune system or simply the age: periodontitis, so an inflammation in the dental bed, can have many causes. Accordingly, many people also suffer from this disease of the periodontium. Debt is almost always a lack of dental hygiene. Periodontitis occurs when plaque adheres to the transition between the tooth and the gums. This bacterial plaque produces toxins that irritate the gums and can reach the jawbone if left untreated. The gums go back, forming several millimeters deep gum pockets. The teeth lose their hold, can relax and fail. Secondary signs of periodontal disease are root caries and tartar. Dry mouth can also cause inflamed gums, as too little disinfectant saliva is produced.

How does that show?

Inflamed gums are red, slightly swollen at the cervix and bleed quickly. Brushing your teeth is painful, there is a sweetish taste in the mouth and your teeth are relaxed.

How can I prevent this?

You can prevent or at least prevent inflamed gums by paying attention to thorough dental hygiene. Do you clean your teeth about half an hour after the main meals? either with a conventional toothbrush (medium bristle hardness) or with an electric toothbrush. Also remove deposits on the back of the tongue. Change your toothbrush after three months at the latest. The interdental spaces must also be maintained: Regularly use dental floss and interdental brushes. Every six months should be a check by the dentist? together with a professional teeth cleaning? respectively. The fluoro-protective sealant at the end of the treatment can help you by using a fluoride toothpaste at home and a gel once a week. A healthy lifestyle also keeps your teeth healthy: Avoid stress, nicotine and carbohydrate-rich snacks, drink lots of sugar-free drinks, eat plenty of vitamins and calcium, and enjoy citrus with caution as their acid attacks the enamel. Diabetics must be careful to be well-adjusted. Wear a denture, it must fit properly and well, otherwise it can hurt the protective mucous membranes.

What can I do if I already have it?

You already have inflamed gums? Go immediately to your dentist and let us advise you on an optimal treatment option for you. In addition, you should follow the above hygiene advice.

How to Treat Bleeding Gums at Home (2019) (May 2024).

Gums, teeth, periodontitis, prevention, treatment, age-related disorders, prevention, teeth, gums