In the interview: Michael Bublé

Michael Buble: Are you from Germany? I was there a few months ago. At Boss in Metzingen. The drive there was great. There was a park with lots of naked people.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: That must have been a quarry lake - FKK is nothing unusual here.

Michael Bublé: Unbelievable. Apart from the nudes along the way - they have good clothes on Boss. Look, this is a boss jacket, and I'm wearing a boss's belly. Do you want me to undress here for you? Then you can watch my boss underwear. But at least you could whisper about my boss hair. Does it bother you when I cuddle with the sofa cushions during the conversation?

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: No, if it suits you. We are in Vancouver, where you lived for a long time. Here your grandfather, full time plumber, musicians Klos installed, so you were allowed to perform in their bands. Do you meet these gentlemen sometimes?

Michael Bublé: You will laugh. Degree recently, a trumpeter named Dave spoke to me: "Your grandfather put a shredder in my kitchen sink." I also meet people who say, "Hey, you remember, you once stood as a singing telegram on my doorstep."

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: And - remember?

Michael Bublé: Nope. But I always say politely: "Of course I remember, is everything okay with you?" These are the people who treated me often rude and slammed the door in my face. But now the people here are very proud of me. They feel that they are part of my success. And many are actually. Because they dressed me up for photo sessions for free or produced my first record for free. They believed in me. And now I'm trying to give that back.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: How that?

Michael Bublé: By helping young artists. I have such a wonderful life myself. Example: I travel around the world. That makes you open, you learn. I'm sure if George W. Bush had traveled around before he got his job, he would be a better president.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: What other than travel is quality of life for you?

Michael Bublé: The most important thing: my great friend.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: This is the British actress Emily Blunt. What connects you both?

Michael Bublé: We have similarly wonderful families. We both got a lot of unconditional love. And that enables us to love other people. But with the family has disadvantages.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: Which one?

Michael Bublé: When I go on tour, I usually take everyone with me: my mother, my father, my two sisters, their husbands and their two children. And except for the kids, they all get drunk until they stop. I work my ass off and they drink like the fish. And poor Emily gets caught in the middle.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: You can not handle that?

Michael Bublé: Oh, in the end they have a great time together. My mother just said to me yesterday at dinner: "Boy, if you mess this up with Emily, you'll get serious problems with me."

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: Recently you said in an interview, "Emily is traveling as a groupie with me."

Michael Bublé: If it were so! Then, as a good groupie, she would always do what I want. But actually, I do not know all that much about groupies. I never really had any. Somehow my music does not attract groupies. That's a pity. The girls probably think, "The man has too much class." So please come!

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: And what does Emily say then?

Michael Bublé: No idea. But it would only be fair if I had groupies. Because Emily keeps making those smooch scenes with some guy. They get to see her tits and smack wild with her around. So, you groupies, everyone comes to me. And then I say, "It's just my job, I need that for inspiration, I know you did not want to smack any of those great guys, but baby, it's your job, we have to understand each other's job."

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: Does she ask you to do that?

Michael Bublé: Sure. She always says, "I have to kiss these guys, I do not want that." Well, she is a woman. If I had to do a love scene with Catherine Zeta-Jones, I would be unstoppable. Or with Scarlett Johansson, certainly not.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: Many consider you pretty smooth.

Michael Bublé: I'm not. I would hate myself if I came to my show and that guy was really up there on stage. I would want to punch him in the face with a fist. Men are reluctant to come to my shows because their girlfriends carry them along.They would rather see a decent basketball game. But when they go out again, they are on my side. They say, "Now I understand, this bublé, who is laughing at himself, smiles at my wife." They notice: I play a game.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: Why are you playing?

Michael Bublé: I suffered from an anxiety disorder for years. At that time I learned to overcompensate. I was often too loud or behaved wrong. I quickly overcame this fear. My sister Crystal took much longer. When she was among humans, she became sick and she trembled. In her worst time, she did not leave the house for a year and a half.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: She's an actress. She must have successfully defeated the disorder.

Michael Bublé: Yes, she got help. And the family also supported her. Recently we had our first joint appearance on the red carpet. She did a good job. I'm very proud of her.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: There are parallels. Her friend Emily had a speech disorder before becoming a successful actress.

Michael Bublé: She stuttered. And sometimes she gets nervous today, and then she stototottert sssie. And then I make fun of her. No not true. I sometimes wonder if a person is spurred to excellence just because he was held back by such disabilities. If I'm scared of something these days, then I force myself to do it. And then I feel stronger then.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: You know that you do not lead the lifestyle of your celebrity colleagues, but rather donate money. Does that also have to do with this past?

Michael Bublé: I do not want to stand out. That's why I donate for many projects, including a children's hospital in my city. I am not the luxury type. You know, there are wonderful expensive restaurants here in Vancouver. But my favorite restaurant is this cozy place called McDonald's.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: The offer there is not good for the figure.

Michael Bublé: I wish it was sexy to be fat. As in the 16th century, when a woman was considered very attractive when she weighed 140 pounds. At the time, that was a sign of prosperity. When, damn it, is this attitude finally coming back? "Oh, look, Bublé, my goodness, he's gotten, wow, he looks amazing." I would put junk food in me all day. That would be nice.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: And what about your very slim girlfriend? Could it increase?

Michael Bublé: She is not that slim. I would call her cute. Thin, but soft. She has a great round ass in which I always pinch her. She feels very good. (Singing :) It feeheeheels good. Sorry, I digress. Well, I like girls who have a bit of meat on their ribs. But I'm still waiting for that to be sexy. Some of these super skinny women look like lollipops.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: You mean women of size zero, like Victoria Beckham?

Michael Bublé: When you ask yourself, how do you keep your head up there on this tiny body in balance. They look as if they would fall over at any moment. Like babies with giant heads. You see such a woman and think, "Hey, that's a head that actually belongs to a hundred-kilo body." If this one-hundred-pound body-head is on a 45-kilo body instead, then something is not right. I do not think men like that.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: But?

Michael Bublé: I believe that women, above all else, want to look good for women. I think they should just stop and go to McDonald's. I also like breasts. And when a woman loses weight too much, the breasts disappear - (singing): the bigger the better, the bigger the better. Thank you very much. Now I have to hug my sofa cushions again. I am a little bit crazy. Call me irresponsible.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: Prima transition. This is the title of your new album: "Call Me Irresponsible".

Michael Bublé: That sums up how I am. Irresponsible, but full of love. That sounds better than the title of my last album, "It's Time". My manager had chosen. At that time I asked him, "It's time?" For what? " Promptly, a newspaper wrote, "It's time Michael Bublé left."

"Call Me Irresponsible"

The boy was kind of funny. As a child, he prefers to listen to Frank Sinatra, Ray Charles, Nina Simone and Paul Anka as hiphop or grunge with his grandfather. At the age of 15, Michael Buble, a fisherman's son from Vancouver Bay, knew that I was going to be a singer. For that he moved to Toronto. For eight years he was unsuccessful. Then he sang at a corporate party, the then Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney became his fan - and got Bublé the right contacts. Meanwhile, the man is 31 and world famous. In May the third record "Call Me Irresponsible" (wea) was released.

Michael Bublé Admits It Was Love At First Sight With His Wife: 'I Got Very, Very Lucky' | Access (July 2024).

Michael Buble, Emily Blunt, Vancouver, Germany, Metzingen, nudist, George W. Bush, tour, michael buble, michael buble, swing, interview