Important Whatsapp update - we have been waiting for THIS feature for a long time!

Have you been to the AppStore and updated your Whatsapp? If not, you should immediately do so - because the latest version brings a really cool feature for all iPhone users!

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So far, unfortunately, we were not able to chat when we were offline. That means: You are in the train, you have no net - and you can not write. From now on we can also tap our reply to the last message if we do not have a network - and we can also press Send! The message will automatically go out when your phone is back online.

More features of the new Whatsapp version: From now on you can send up to 30 photos in the chat. And if you get a lot of pictures and videos that fill up your phone's space, it's even easier to delete them: just go to "Settings -> Data and Memory Usage -> Memory Usage".

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ChroniquesDuVasteMonde is also available on WhatsApp - that's how it works!

Video Recommendation:

(Panding)How To Fix Whatsapp Sms not send Problem || WhatsApp messenging Problem (May 2024).

WhatsApp, iPhone, Chat