• June 25, 2024

"I would like to change that with myself"? Voices from the editorial office

No question: who is constantly quarreling with each other and can be so unsettled by their self-doubt that they no longer make a decision alone makes life unnecessarily difficult. The perfect person does not exist anyway. After all, we learn from our mistakes as well as from each other. After all, our flaws and weaknesses make us human, lovable, unique and special. Everything completely clear and important to internalize.

But!Does self-love or self-awareness automatically mean that you do not want to change anything? I do not think so ...

Surely I find it admirable and great to hear when someone says that she is exactly what she wants to be, and therefore would not change anything in herself. But in my opinion, you also want to change, because you love yourself.

Suppose I recognize that certain habits or characteristics of me make me unhappy in the long run and rob me unnecessarily. For example the tendency to always want to make everyone right or to step into my fears and worries. Then it would be clear that I would like to work on it and change my bad habits? to do myself a favor.

In such a case, is not the desire to change just an expression of self-love? Or is the mere confession that I make myself unhappy, an admission into a lack of self-confidence? Again, on this second question, I would say again: I do not believe ...

After all, the fact that a person's personality changes over the course of his life is known anyway. And that we can decisively shape this change with mindfulness and practice, too. Is not just an important part of self-love to accept the first and use the second for yourself?

Probably the key question is why a person wants to change: Because she believes the way she is, is not she okay or lovable? Or because she wants to do something good for herself?

Billie Eilish: Same Interview, One Year Apart | Vanity Fair (June 2024).