I think the child of my best friend stupid

It was not love at first sight. Rather a feeling of panic when I met my friend's child. Within seconds, it was clear we did not like each other. I think the kid shit. And the kid does not like me. So, now it's out.

Some may consider this exaggerated, and a six-week-old baby is now developing his personality over an enormous period of time. But both of us (the child and me) it was clear from the first glance: That will probably be nothing.

What exactly is it? The wrong vibration, the wrong moment we met for the first time - I have no idea. In any case, the antipathy has remained on both sides. As soon as we meet in a threesome, in a fifth, in a sixth with a partner or children, there is generve. I'm the adult, so I try to stay neutral. But inside, I push real displeasure. Of course the child will notice that and turn up even more. It whines, does not want this, does not want that. Everyone else is playing but it is unable to join. Total egocentricity. At the beginning, I still thought: this is growing.

But what can I say: It has now remained with almost five years a Nervbratzenkind. I do not like it, I do not like it. Antipathy on both sides.

Actually, that's not a problem. Not everyone has to like everyone.

If it were not my best friend. Of course, she would be totally happy if her child and her girlfriend understood each other and the "better half" would find her child as great as she does as a mother. And I really tried hard.

But somehow that is not possible. Unfortunately, I just do not think the cute kid is cute, but stupid. Not stupid, no, that's not it. But somehow stupid. It annoys me: how it looks, how it plays and how it babbles. No no. I do not have that with all children, on the contrary. It's the only thing I do not want near me.

How do you say this: "I like you, but your child I think shit?". You do not want to hear about your own children.

Finding kids shit is still a taboo topic. The other day I slipped out on the street like this. Luckily for a mother who immediately became an accomplice. "I know that, I hate the kid my daughter likes to play with, a pesky brat!" She said fervently. Then we both looked very guilty. You just do not say something like that.

In the end, I do not want to give up hope that it is still growing out. What. Let's face it, there's nothing left. All parties must be clear. As in real life.

I Lost My Baby Because Of My Friend's Stupid Advice (May 2024).