"I need the unrestrained instant experience!" ? Barbara over do-it-yourself

We know it from other areas: If you want to be on the safe side, do it yourself. I do everything myself and never would get the idea to order a birthday cake at the bakery. Once the children get used to iron-on marzipan figurines and photos made of chocolate, I never get to find them home-made.

In addition: I am very impatient. If I see something beautiful, I can not wait eight weeks for delivery. Some are looking forward to anticipation, I need the unrestrained instant experience.

Handmade without restraint

Blankets, pillows, blankets, upholstery, quick results, that excites me. And everyone, but really everyone who comes in the door, is confronted with the sometimes highly taste-dependent results of my hand-work evenings and mercilessly asked for favor.

Because: In handicrafts, the reflected restraint brake bangs through me, and it breaks out of me, as if I had to go through life for years without resonance and recognition. Do I have the feeling that the praise was not quite liquid on the lips, I like to ask again. And again.

No matter who comes into the house, I call through the rooms:? ... and everything made by myself! It's not hard. Sewing with the sewing machine is like driving a car: just accelerate !? And if I do not like something, it's replaced after two hours.

Department Press Briefing - October 10, 2017 (May 2024).