I'm a star - get me out of here !: That's what the candidates did in front of the jungle camp

Every year, the memory of TV viewers is sometimes put to the test. Because when the new participants of the trash format "I'm a star - get me out of here!" officially announced by RTL, most faces are question and not exclamation points. In order to get informed in the now 13th Jungle Camp relay, which starts on January 11th (9:15 pm, RTL), we recommend this summary about the Burdeckis, Töpperwiens and Orloffs of this world.

"Bachelor", "Celebrity Big Brother", "I'm a Star"

The most typical career path to the impending kangaroo deaths put Evelyn Burdecki (30) down. Within a few years, the blonde, who claims to be the new Verona Pooth, tinkered through all relevant formats. It was not until 2017 that she attained timid celebrity as a participant of "The Bachelor", and in the same year there was a place among the participants of "Celebrity Big Brother". Finally, in the past year followed in "Bachelor in Paradise" the Dating under the palm trees.

The romantic

Said partner search was even successful. Burdecki met in Paradise their soon to be Mitcamper Domenico de Cicco (35) know and love briefly, before it became known that he expecting a child with another woman. De Cicco was by his sign but also before a dome show-spurned. In the fourth season of "The Bachelorette" Jessica Paszka had no greens for the skilled logistics management specialist. Jungle Camp viewers can look forward to his profound sense of life: "I love women because they are very important to our world, because without them we would not be able to make children!"

The Tears Commissioner

For wet bunkers in the new season could not only worry about the monsoon. After all, Gisele Oppermann (31) also moves into the jungle in 2019. In 2008, as a crybaby in front of the gentleman, he floated the "Germany's Next Topmodel" jury headed by Heidi Klum. Even more than ten years after the TV premiere, she still describes herself as a "sensitive person". Since 2014, the 31-year-old with Brazilian roots is the mother of a girl named Maria Lucie Leni.

A Töpperwien without football

When football fans hear the name Töpperwien, they immediately think of a sports reporter dynasty. But with Rolf and daughter Sabine Töpperwien or King football in general, the jungle camp candidate Chris Töpperwien (44) has nothing on his hat. He first made a name for himself as a snack bar owner and entrepreneur, before the "Sat1 breakfast television" crowned him as the king of documentary soaps. Once discovered, he was finally seen in "Goodbye Germany! The Emigrants", "Adventure Life", but also in reports about his life in "Brisant" and "Point 12". So far last (final) station before the Australia trip: "The summer house of the stars - fight of the celebrity couples".

The selfmade Yotta

Before "taff" first broadcast the weekly series "The fabulous Life of Yottas" in 2015, the graduate in business administration and insurance broker changed his name. Because was born Bastian Yotta (42) under the less sonorous name Bastian Gillmeier. In 2014, he emigrated to the US with his wife and became a self-proclaimed self-made millionaire thanks to the American dream. It followed the reality documentary "The Yottas! Full throttle through America," before he finally took part in self-made single 2017 in 2017 "Adam looking for Eve - celebrities in paradise".

The forgotten old star

Each season, senior celebrities also embark on a journey to the Australian Outback to regain more than 15 minutes of fame at best. So also Schlagerbarde Peter Orloff (74), who became famous mainly as a singer in the 70s and received a golden record for "A Girl Forever". However, he wrote the biggest hits for others: Peter Maffay's title "Du" comes from his pen as well as various songs for Heino, Bata Illic, Freddy Quinn or Rex Gildo. Especially the new German wave broke the prospect of an even bigger career finally the neck.

The voice of all voices

There will also be extra extraterrestrial entertainment - at least if you close your eyes. Because in person of Thomas "Tommi" Piper (77) draws perhaps the most striking voice of German TV history in the jungle camp. Although Piper stood for many TV productions such as "Derrick", "The Old" or "crime scene" himself in front of the camera and also as a singer, he brought out several singles between 1969 and 1990. For none of his jobs but he is as remembered as the voice of the cats munching "Alien Life Form", short Alf, from the planet Melmac.

The nackedee hope

Breaking the Nackedei record should be difficult again this year.With Micaela Schäfer and Melanie Müller was well forward or filed in this regard. Best chances could be in the 13th Season by Leila Lowfire (26) prevail. The at least was announced by a protest action (#nippelstatthetze) with her distinctive bust in 2015. Back then, she accused Facebook of demonizing revealing photos, but waving through racist posts. And even slippery details about her love life should be around the campfire. Finally, the Sexpertin on the side of Ines Anioli in her podcast "Sex Pleasure" same is also like.

Dahoam is far away

The GDR-born actress Doreen Dietel (44) also changes the continent. Her first role came in 1995 in the "crime scene: Deadly Friendship", but most recently she was known as a resident of the fictional Upper Bavarian country life. From 2007 to 2017 she worked in the series "Dahoam is Dahoam" as a character Beatrix "Trixi" Preissinger, who is given the shock diagnosis Alzheimer. Since leaving, however, it was not very rosy with role offers.

Competition for dr. Bob?

Sandra Kiriasis, 43, is a true bob expert. Dr. But Bob does not have to fear competition, not that the tropical jungle was their adopted home for a long time, but the ice channel. The 43-year-old former bobsleigh pilot emerged as an Olympic champion in 2006 and has collected numerous other titles in her successful career, including seven world and just as many European championship titles. How the Eisqueen, born in Dresden, will probably perform in different weather conditions?

The bombshell with popsicles

In her Vita are stripes like "Three Lederhosen in St. Tropez", "Let it Run, buddy" or "Dirty Woman: Part One - Seasons of the Bitch". Sibylle Rauch (58), born in Munich in 1960 as Erika Roswitha Rauch, was named German Playmate of the Month in 1979. Then it went into the soft (ice) -Error, when she became famous in four parts of the series "popsicles" as a sex bomb. In the 80s, harder stripes finally followed. Only in 2017 a documentary about her life with the name "From movie star to Porno Queen: Sibylle Rauch" appeared.

Good or bad jungle times?

The new baby of the new season of "I'm a Star - Get Me Out of Here!" is Felix van Deventer at the age of 22. The actor has since the 5,544 episode (July 2014) of the RTL series "Good Times, Bad Times" as Jonas Seefeld to see. He has not got more points for his still young career - until now! Accordingly, van Deventer wants to use the jungle camp to convince the audience of his versatility, which has so far been shown to be one-sided. He will be given the opportunity to do so from the 11th of January.

All about "I'm a star - get me out of here!" in the special at RTL.de.

Full: Robert Mueller Testimony To Congress, Reaction And Analysis | NBC News (June 2024).

Jungle Camp, RTL, Celebrity Big Brother, Bastian Yotta, Verona Pooth, Germany's Next Top Model, Heidi Klum, Water, I'm a Star - Get Me Out of Here !, Jungle Camp