Holistic medicine: Teeth are not lying

Of course, we already know that broken teeth can ultimately damage the entire body. But a dentist who asks if we often suffer from unexplained tiredness or colds? This is the exception rather than the rule. Only 1,500 of the approximately 80,000 German dentists call themselves "holistic dentists", and 1,200 of them have since organized themselves into their own association.

One of them is Erich Wühr, dentist and specialist for Traditional Chinese Medicine in Kötzting. It's all about him the delicate balance between all the organs of the body - and the teeth, Holistic dentists like Wühr are therefore also interested in the posture of their patients, for example, and ask about lifestyle habits and chronic complaints.

Followers of Traditional Chinese Medicine mainly refer to the idea of Energy channels (meridians), which run through the entire body, Then every tooth has an organ counterpart in the body: the incisors are closely connected with the bladder and kidney, wisdom teeth with the heart. Discomfort to the corresponding tooth can therefore have a negative effect on the organ - and vice versa: "If a patient's gum on a single incisor is inflamed, I will clarify whether perhaps a chronic cystitis behind it," said Peter Bornhofen, holistic dentist in Gernsheim.

Whether ultimately the tooth or the organ must first be cured, the dentists often find in Cooperation with colleagues from other disciplines out. These include orthopedists, immunologists and psychologists as well as naturopaths and homeopaths. Step by step, they try to restore the body, immune system and soul to a healthy balance. In the ideal case, this also improves noticeably chronic symptoms. There are methods like Osteopathy, acupuncture, kinesiology, cranio-sacral therapy or bioresonance therapy for use.

Dentistry is still rather skeptical towards many of these methods, the effect of which is scientifically not proven in every case, and even to the holistically thinking colleagues. So we patients have little other choice than at your own risk - and often at your own expense - find out which method really helps us. However, where miracles are promised, caution is required. It is also important to make sure that the holistically oriented dentist also has solid conventional medical training and practice.

The organ clock

If a tooth hurts badly, it usually has a hole. But if certain areas in the jaw hurt again and again, simply do not want to subside inflammation of the gums - then it may make sense to search for other causes with the help of a holistic dentist. Our organ clock is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine:

incisors Organs: kidney, bladder Discomfort: chronic nonspecific cystitis, infertility

canines Organs: liver, bile Complaints: problems with fat digestion, gallstones

1st and 2nd molars (above) Organs: large intestine, lung Disorders: Disturbance in the digestive tract with inflammation in the mouth, asthma and other respiratory ailments (lung)

3rd and 4th molars (above) Organs: pancreas, stomach Disorders: diabetes (pancreas), periodontitis (stomach)

Wisdom teeth (left) Organs: heart, small bowel Disorders: cardiac arrhythmia and eating disorders

www.gzm.org: Here is a list of Dentists of the Society of Holistic Dental Medicine e.V.

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Tooth, kidney, teeth, dental care, dentist, holistic