High school students put a funny sign against vanity

A post shared by SoleHimself (@solehimselfxl) on 16 Sep 2017 at 13:54

We all know it all: shoot for some identity card photo. We are very focused, we spend minutes with our best smile on our face, and the moment the photographer presses the shutter, we blink.

Well, bad luck, the next one please. Have fun with the new badge, Quasimodo!

Student cards of a different kind ...

The graduating class of the North Farmington High School in Detroit did not want to take that risk at all. Almost all of them intentionally ... ahem ... posed in a slightly different way for their student ID cards.

While a student was being photographed as Steve Urcle, others disguised themselves as comic characters, movie heroes or nerds.

This hashtag is gold

WE SKIPPED SCHOOL TO GET A MAKEOVER! (Roblox Royale High School) (April 2024).

Detroit, Twitter