Heartburn - so you can relieve it


Overweight - one of the main risk factors for heartburn. Only eat small portions. Sleep with your upper body. Do not eat for two to three hours before bedtime.

home remedies

Licorice prevents hyperacidity of the stomach; If you have a tendency to heartburn, chew a liquorice snail every now and then.


Over-the-counter remedies with acid-neutralizing agents should not be taken regularly for long periods of time. Because new studies suggest that the constant neutralization of gastric acid increases the risk of developing a food allergy. The homeopathic remedy Nux vomica D12 helps to avenge lavish meals or copious amounts of alcohol (one to two globules every half hour until the symptoms ease). Chamomile and lemon balm tea (soothing drink three cups daily). Quick help also brings a spoonful of soda powder (sodium bicarbonate or bicarbonate of soda) in a glass of water. It neutralizes the stomach acid without completely blocking the secretion. It is best to drown a glass of still water behind. The biochemistry according to Dr. med. Schüßler recommends one tablet of sodium phosphoricum D6 (Schüßler salt no. 9) or sodium bicarbonicum D6 (no. 23) four to twelve times a day for acute complaints.

When to the doctor?

When the heartburn occurs more than twice a week.

7 Things to Try to Reduce Your Acid Reflux (May 2024).

Heartburn, complaint, alternative medicine, home remedies, heartburn