Hair Extensions - make it short!

What was tested?

Many do it - hardly anyone talks about it: Human hair extensions enjoy great popularity, but they do not really get rid of their cheap image. The so-called Tressen are now produced consuming and should be extremely easy to use or clipped. Our editor has tested hair extensions by Verlocke.

What does the product promise?

The "clip & go tresses" are 30 cm wide strands of hair, which are equipped with seven small clips and are easily attached in their own hair. To prevent slipping, the hairline is where the clip is attached, slightly antoupiert. Then the hair tresses are simply hooked in and closed. Just as fast the strands are removed again.

And what does the subject say?

... dropped her prejudices against Extensions years ago when beauty blogger queen Ariane Stippa showed her how good and natural hair extensions can look like. Thanks for that, Ari!

© Juliane Diesner

Fashion editor Lisa van Houtem: "Let's loose it, the demonizing of extensions is something like 2000. So about ... Since Daniela Katzenberger, Christina Aguilera and Co. a lot has happened.The wrong strands are not wrong, but from real hair, the Nuances are beautiful natural and you get by mixing the nuances really for every hair color the appropriate strands out ever since Maxi colleague Miriam Scheithauer said: "I'm convinced that if more women knew how easy the clips are to apply, it would do any "I wanted to try the things out. The reason: a spontaneous short haircut, which makes me miss my long hair.

In fact, the strands can hook in lightning fast, a little exercise is of course already needed. The strands fit harmoniously in color to my real hair and can be well packed in a ponytail. However, since my hair is still very short (just chin-length), this is also the only option - apart from a cap - to wear the extensions inconspicuously. The difference in length is just too blatant, I look like a character from "Wayne's World". So it's not (yet) possible to wear open. Unfortunately, the clips also flash out quickly, you have to hide them well and fix the hair with neat hair spray.

What does not leave me cold, is the fact that the admittedly really gorgeous hair often comes from Indians who do not always part with free will. Not nice. My conclusion: Anyone who has no problem with the origin of the hair and by nature at least shoulder-length hair, can quickly realize the dream teeth with extensions. But please practice! "

What does it cost?

The clip-in wefts cost between 26.95 euros (30 cm) and 74.95 euros (60 cm) per piece. For a complete hair extension about two hair tresses are needed. These can also be divided into three smaller pieces.

How to insert the clip-in strands:

How to: Blend extensions with short blunt hair easy (May 2024).

Extensions, hair extensions, human hair extensions, hair wicks, hair extensions, long hair