Great concern! England is preparing for the death of the Queen

The Queen guards the bed with a summer flu? and all of England is worried about his chief. The reason for this is probably not the date that the ailing queen has canceled, but a very special ministerial meeting.

According to the Sunday Times, numerous British ministers have gathered to prepare for the decease of the Queen. It should have been the first meeting of this kind. The ministers allegedly practiced, above all, the expiration of the first day after the death of the queen.

Among other things, the question should be answered, when the Prime Minister goes public with the news of death and how the meeting of the Privy Council proceeds. Traditionally, after the death of the royal chief, all 600 members of the said council meet at Buckingham Palace to officially seal the new king's accession to the throne.

Does that sound macabre? Is it somehow too? Incidentally, the meeting should have nothing to do with the current health of the Queen. Only her old age? Queen Elizabeth II was already 92 years old on April 21, 2018? was supposedly the reason for the meeting.

And if you know how many rules and traditions you have to adhere to in the case, that makes perfect sense. What happens when the Queen dies, you will learn here.

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Elizabeth II, England