Fully stuffed stall? 8 tips to clean up that anyone can implement

Recently we asked ourselves: Why does it look much better with the others than with me? Some people like it just cleaned up and spend a lot of time with it. Others would rather use their time for other, more 'beautiful' things. To make things look tidy, Werner Tiki Küstenmacher and Dr. med. Ruth Drost-Hüttl, authors of the life counselor simplify, various tips ready:


1. Tidy up small things quickly

Just make a quick bed or put away some clothes can do wonders. It does not have to be a whole room to devote to. Also a drawer or a shelf is a good start. Basically, it's like checking off to-do lists: Being able to tick off different small points makes you happy too? maybe even happier than a few big points.


2. Declutter the attic

If you want to clear or clear away, you need free rein and must be able to achieve everything. It is best to first pack unwanted stuff in a box and then sort it if there is more space. It is also good, if you put the box for a fixed period in the basement / in the attic / in the garage (at least 6 months) and then throw away everything that you did not need in the time.


3. Create feel-good islands

Fresh flowers can lighten up any lifeless place. There was also such a mini Zen garden wave. Suddenly everyone has turned some sand. Somewhat silly, but who helps. Also a flamingo swim ring can bring back memories of the vacation. Something more pragmatic is a bowl of fruit? or sweets. Art can also help distract from the chaotic trappings. But please not too much. Less is more. They are supposed to be islands, not piles.


4. Every gear makes order

Go to the basement for an empty bottle extra? It is not worth it. But! The gear not only gets the circulation going, but it does not fly any empties. It is particularly annoying when empty glass bottles popping on the tiles in the kitchen, because one had hit with the foot while cooking ...


5. Increase pressure: put stuff in the way

Ever seen a dump in the middle of the room? Okay, maybe in very bad cases. However, most of them are more likely to be less obvious. The only problem is that they are easier to forget or ignore there. So just grab the paper economy in the middle of the room. In the eyes, in the mind and then out of the way. Incidentally, even more pressure can be generated by inviting guests. In doubt, even overnight. As usually comes the largest Aufräumbanause kick.


6. Friends of Order: Invite guests

The genius may master the chaos, but it could also be blind. Therefore: Just invite a friend or acquaintance and get a second opinion. Sometimes they also have completely unexpected tips for possible restructuring. It would be great, of course, if the sparring partner also mutated into a little helper.


7. Learn to throw away and expose excuses

The t-shirt, which would make so good at the next rock concert, a survival kit to save the next camping holiday and the kitschy harness of Aunt Erna, who would be delighted to discover it, if she next time comes? everything that rots sooner than it is needed or even brings joy. Oh, and by the way, a craftsman outfit is enough for the next move, not five. Again, what is 6 months unused and not missed, can get away. Aunt Erna can be said in doubt that there was someone who fell in love with her harness so much that she gave it away with joy.


8. Magazine pile & Co: Clear out radically

A popular hobby: buy magazines or take free magazines first, read them and then put them in a pile. At some point the pile is a mountain and the magazines felt already from the last century. Throw it away? Yeah, but how hard is it to distinguish the old ones from the new ones? And this one article about the fallen rice bags in China, you could do that? still reading. Of course it does not fit. No wonder: for a one-centimeter thick magazine you need an average of three reading hours. Does that mean throwing a stack of journals one meter high will get you a full month! So that the chaos does not start from the beginning, it is worthwhile to store magazines in an upper bounded compartment. This makes it easier to force yourself to sort out (the lower) booklets.

In this sense: happy rooms.


More tips for cleaning up and for further everyday tips from Werner Tiki Küstenmacher and Dr. med. Ruth Drost-Hüttl is available on simplify.de and in simplify books.

Unclogging A Shower Drain (June 2024).