Freeze, you fat cell!

Somebody speaks somewhere but always about that now FINALLY the love handles should melt. But why actually melt? Like the butter in the pan? Hissing and gone? Tzz. A beautiful illusion! A diet is rather like a tedious mining, in which numerous guest workers in the open pit had to give their lives.
Now there is a method that promises us: do not melt, FREEZE! How exactly? The fat zone to be treated (this term should, by the way, be banned) on the abdomen, hips, legs or inner thighs, is sucked in by means of special equipment via vacuum and cooled down to exactly -11 degrees Celsius. Brrrr. "I'm freezing to death?" Grins the fat cell. She is right, because she dies shortly afterwards a painful cold death. Incidentally, the whole thing should be painless for the patient. Who wants to be beautiful, must? so the supporters? just do not like it.

To the dressing of? 89 freeze

The frozen bacon is then removed over several weeks of so-called phagocytes. Does anyone remember the animated series Once upon a time? The guy with the long, white beard and the talking red and white blood cells? Yes the. Phagocytes, these were the yellow robotic robots, who ate and carried away all the body rubbish like little garbage trucks. Cute.

The result can be seen when freezing fat, unlike liposuction, unfortunately not immediately. Anyone who wants to shiver in his prom dress of 1989, should lay down about eight to twelve weeks before the event under the cold jet. That's how long the fat-eating process takes. But then the result should be clearly visible. In the mirror, not on the scale, because fat is very light, so the makers of the process. Is that the theory with the heavy bones so true.

Sweet Dreams: Asleep eating ice cream

And who made up the whole thing? Wife coincidence. Doctors at the hospital observed that children who fell asleep with a popsicle in the mouth later on had actual dents on the affected area. Well, one wonders now, what that was just for a device ... Presented, fortunately, the facial state regulated itself after a while by itself. In the context of the fat freezing process, however, this situation is the biggest shortcoming. Because: You can not rest on the result. The body also works after the procedure as before. Who eats more than he consumes, increases again. All over. And then burned between 600 and 700 euros. Or better: frozen.

Freezing fat cells: Coolsculpting claims to remove fat without surgery (April 2024).