Fitness tips: Do you know him already?

When at abdominal workout The last crunches difficult, press the tongue firmly under the palate. This stabilizes the neck and helps to endure the final abdominals - because they bring the greatest training effect.

If you are at badminton return to the center of the field after your strike, finish the last step with a small jump. This rebound jump increases body tension and balance, and you are better prepared for the next return of your opponent.

Vary the ups and downs of the Cross Trainers, Running backwards, for example, trains the coordination, closing the eyes promotes balance, and freehand pedaling strengthens the leg muscles. Arms, shoulder girdles and chest muscles challenge you with more intense pressure and pulling.

Put in the crawl not too much force in the kick. The brings only a fifth of the propulsion, at the same time consume the leg muscles a lot of oxygen. The driving force, on the other hand, are the arms.

At the Walking Increase calorie consumption by 10 percent with 500 gram leg cuffs. Jogging with the bandages, however, damages the joints.

If you are at Inline skating constantly chasing after, get yourself some bigger roles - so z. B. 90 instead of 80 millimeters in diameter. This increases speed and smoothness. The smaller the wheels, the better the acceleration and maneuverability.

When in the tennis Accuracies accumulate, capture at the beginning of the next training hours for ten minutes actively the moment of ball contact. If your opponent meets, say "tick" loudly, the ball lands on your string, say "tack". Sharpen your concentration with this mental trick.

Following a stamina or strength training The energy turnover remains increased for a while. Therefore, avoid eating and sugary drinks one to two hours after exercise. How to use the afterglow effect for burning fat.

Lots Nordic walkers passively grind the sticks. The active use of the sticks increase the calorie consumption by up to 46 percent, as it also involves the upper body muscles.

Steep descents lose their way Mountain biking the horror, if you let some air out of the tires. This increases grip and safety. Also important: push your butt behind the saddle, drive ahead and keep your hands off the front brake!

When you join to jog talking to a partner, you also run with the right load intensity, which boosts our fat burning. In addition, the team forgets the effort and manages longer distances.

Leaves at Free climbing The power is too fast, the butt is too far away from the wall, and the arms do too much work. Push your hips forward and make a light hollow back: This brings the center of gravity to the rock.

At the aerobics In a cool room, do not sweat so easily and last longer as the lungs work better and more oxygen gets to the muscles. If you are exercising at home, just ventilate well shortly before.

Plyometric exercises (for example Jumping Jacks) will help you volleyball outgrow yourself on the net. In the water, this bounce training is even more effective and also protects the joints.

Are the weights at Krafttrainig too energetic, the muscles are under-challenged. Use your breathing rhythm as a pacemaker: lift weight and exhale, lower weight and inhale. The release of the weight may take a little longer than the lifting.

Are you right-handed, the backhand throw works Frisbee games The easiest way to the left of the body. As a left-hander on the right side. So the limb swing free, and the rotation is from the wrist.

Women are not shrunken men - nevertheless women become female divers often men's equipment turned on in small sizes. Comfortably and safely dive when suit and jacket are designated women's models.

At the surfing get the curve elegantly when the look and forearm are panning into the future direction of travel. Thus, the torso rotation is deflected, the center of gravity shifts - and the board takes the turn almost by itself.

Will be at rope skipping or rope skipping fixed a point that is at eye level on the wall, automatically sets up an upright posture with raised sternum.

Depends the butt backstroke too much down through, the water resistance increases. The necessary body tension sets in when you tense the stomach and consciously push the hips upwards.

Actors Give Advice on Diet & Exercise (May 2024).

Gimmicks, fitness, sports, performance, performance enhancement, tipss, tricks