"Fashion is not a question of clothing size!"

Dear readers,

BIG should be fun in the first place!

... chubby, curvy, full, full-bodied, overweight, round - these are just some of the charming paraphrases for the ugly word "dick". And: "Dick is not smart," still says some fashion designers. With our issue and this online presence we counter the evidence: BIG should be fun in the first place. Filled with fashion and beauty tips for women beyond 42, we show that fashion is not a question of clothing size, but one of the inner attitude, style and creativity.

All the more it annoys me (even no size 38) that any woman who does not have a standard character, immediately lands in special departments or specialty shops. All the women you see in BIG had a lot of fun, but for many it was also a kind of satisfaction and recognition; Balm for still open wounds. Because hardly any of the women was really happy with their figure - to be fat is considered a blemish in our world of perfect bodies. What is going wrong? We think it's enough! In our magazine - and with the new category BIG on ChroniquesDuVasteMonde-woman.de - we regularly show fashion and beauty topics and give shopping tips and advice for big girls.

Have fun with it!

Her Susanne Gundlach, ChroniquesDuVasteMonde fashion boss, and the whole BIG team

More BIG Fashion on ChroniquesDuVasteMonde-woman.de:

A pair of black pants, eight looks The BIG character lamp: Which fashion is mine? How to find sportswear in large sizes

Why women’s clothing sizes don’t make sense (May 2024).

Fashion, Dress Size, Proof, Big, Editorial, Susanne Gundlach, Statement