Fascia: So your connective tissue remains elastic

What are fascia?

In a fascia (lat. fascia) is connective tissue that surrounds our muscles, muscle fibers, tendons and bones. They have a white, slightly translucent color and are only a few millimeters thick. fascia permeate the whole body like a network and are composed mainly of water and the proteins collagen and elastin.

Which fascia types are there?

There are three different types of fascia:

  • superficial fascia
  • deep fascia
  • visceral fascia

The superficial fascia consist of loose connective tissue and can stretch. They are primarily responsible for water and fat storage and serve as a buffer between the organs.

The deep fascia enclose our muscles, bones and joints and prevent individual muscle fibers from rubbing against each other. Since there are many pain receptors on the deep fascial tissue, it can respond to injuries to the fascia and nerves.

To the visceral fascia include, for example, the meninges or the peritoneum. They protect and fix the organs, so they are less elastic than the superficial fascia.

What is the task of fascia?

Fascias perform various tasks in the body. On the one hand stabilize and shape they different body areas like organs and muscles. On the other hand prevent the friction between the muscles and are responsible for the mobility of the body. In addition, they can transport fluid and receive stimuli through their nerve fibers and forward information.

What are the causes of glued fascia?

Among the most common causes of bonded fascia include Lack of exercise, overwork, injuries and stress, If the fasciae are not stressed enough, they lose tension, harden and stick to the surrounding tissue. Due to the hardening of the connective tissue the lubricity decreases - and that causes muscle pain.

What helps against glued fascia?

If the fascia tissue is glued, fascia training can pay off to release deep tension in the neck, shoulder and back. Ask familiar treatment forms the Fascial Distortion Model (FDM) and Rolfing In these methods, certain manipulations should help to loosen fascia and stimulate the body to produce new collagen fibers.

In addition, that will Training with the fascial role increasingly popular, because it can be carried out at home. Beginners should first have the exercises performed by an experienced physiotherapist or osteopath. Also Yin Yoga is ideal for releasing tension in the body.

Also, keep in mind that back pain also other causes, such as intervertebral disc problems, may have. So, before you blindly start with fascia training, it is essential to see a doctor and get a thorough check-up.

The 3 Most Effective Ways to Keep Your FASCIA Healthy & Happy (May 2024).

Connective tissue, back pain, tension