Explanations to the table

Therefore, an individual consultation is always required. The general rule: Get involved with the subject as soon as possible. Young and healthy people are courted and pay lower contributions. After the onset of illness it is difficult or even impossible to get insurance coverage.

Each of you is aware that something needs to be done for the pension itself. Currently, however, one reads daily negative headlines about renowned life insurance companies. The previous unrestricted recommendation of a life or pension insurance as a pension is now difficult for this reason. Therefore, these two products are only provided with a star. (This does not apply to the company pension scheme!) The duration of a contract is from at least twelve to over 30 years. More than half of all policies are canceled and terminated during the term - with huge losses for the customers. Recommendation: be advised carefully and independently.


Singles are often female students, job starters or they are single again after a breakup. Alone, especially when they are still studying, should think about safeguarding the workforce. That's why we recommend occupational disability insurance rather than accident insurance. The accident risk is often overestimated. Even if you have legal insurance coverage, this is inadequate especially for younger women. There are occupational disability insurances, which already secure their profession after graduation during their studies.


For working women, the protection of their own workforce should have the highest priority. You can make provision for the old age through the employer under the company pension scheme. This is often very lucrative. If you are married and have opted for the worse tax code for tax reasons, you should insist that you receive compensation. They are worse off in retirement pensions and often in the case of unemployment. Term life insurance is important if you want to protect survivors and is demanded by lenders for real estate financing.


Mothers should not only take precautions for the children and often also the partner to think of their own protection. Tip for working mothers: In the meantime, there are occupational disability insurance policies that continue to insure your old profession for a few years. For others, you are classified as a housewife after a short while. The second star in accident insurance is also the protection of your children. The accident risk for children is not insignificant. Here, the capital requirements are often very high and can be covered by an accident insurance or child disability insurance fairly cheap. Absolutely avoid you should return the 'accident insurance with premium refund'.


As a non-working woman - whether temporarily or permanently - you have to worry about your protection. Please do not rely completely on your partner, but tackle the topic yourself. If an occupational disability insurance is too expensive, or you can not be insured for health reasons, we recommend accident insurance. This hedges at least part of the risk. We have classified the term life insurance for housewives as superfluous, because with it the main earner should be secured.

Periodic Table Explained: Introduction (July 2024).

Explanation, table