Experts advise: How to become quick-witted!

Alexandra Strobel, Product Manager, 35, from Munich

The starting situation: Already since entering the professional life Alexandra fears not to be quick enough. It began with the pressure to assert itself in a male-dominated trading world. More and more her spontaneity gave way to calculated thinking. To make no mistake, she rarely goes to the first step in conversations today, feels inhibited in groups and stiff. A small talk, professional or private, she often does not quite succeed.

Too loud, the inner voice announces, asking: What would be interesting, what funny? Although Alexandra is very slim, she does not wear figure-hugging clothing - out of concern that she might be addressed and then not react swiftly. Alexandra says, "I admire everyone who has the laughs on their side. In loose group situations my head is swept empty. Even flirting, skillfully reciprocating a flattery or bouncing off an attack on me, I can not do at all. "

On the next page: That advises the communication trainer

That advises the communication trainer

Veronika Herrmann

Alexandra is afraid of embarrassing others, she needs more self-confidence. She gets it by remembering a situation in which she was very quick-witted. She can use this good feeling to go into unfamiliar situations, to try herself out.

To stay calm, exercise meditation helps. Looking to the north, for example, the right leg is placed forward, increasingly loaded, while the left hand rests on the belly and the right arm is stretched forward in a fluid movement at shoulder height. One inhales through the nose and out through the mouth. All directions are gone through.

Alexandra incorporates this into her everyday life, she learns to turn off inhibitory thoughts and consciously perceive their bodily sensations. So she stays present for her spontaneous and natural reaction.

Veronika Herrmann, trainer and coach for communication and body work, Munich

On the next page: That advises the stylist

That advises the stylist

Sylvia Karl

If Alexandra feels better in her skin, she gains a more confident demeanor - a prerequisite for repartee. Alexandra is a delicate girlish type. Your weak point is the flat butt she can do that with a few tricks.

The Basics: Pants with back pockets bring volume. Monochrome clothing or tone-on-tone combinations make Alexandra seem visually taller with her 1.63. Even with accessories, she should pay attention to the proportions. Unfavorable are large bags, jewelry should be filigree.

Alexandra is a summer type. You can see colors like blue, lilac, rose or delicate reds. That makes them look fresher, younger and more dynamic. Because her eyes are a bit tight, if she should darken the outer corner of her eye slightly and shade her inner, the look seems fresher.

The stylist, Sylvia Karl, Woman Styling, founder of woman styling and stylist, Munich

On the next page: That advises the stylist

That advises the personal trainer

Anja Sieber

A boxing training for more repartee? No. Lack of repartee often results from internal cramping. Alexandra complains of neck tension. So we use a mix of mobilization, relaxation, agility and strength training.

For example, the following exercise: sitting or standing, with your hands up, with your hands up to shoulder height, arms straight up, palms facing each other, and slowly moving towards each other. Slowly return the same way. Repeat this 8 to 12 times. Then tilt the head to the left and right, pull the counter-shoulder down. This relaxes the neck muscles.

Targeted training trains posture, self-awareness and body language. Alexandra attains a body-conscious attitude and can act accordingly relaxed and self-confident.

The Personal Trainer Anja Sieber, Dipl. Sport Scientist and Physiotrainerin, Munich

On the next page: And that's what it did ...

... and that has brought:

Alexandra Strobel has first successes

After a week

I had already guessed: The reason for my lack of repartee is above all my lack of self-confidence. But now, for the first time, I have ideas on how to change that. Mrs. Herrmann encouraged me to consciously enter into group situations. That is still very difficult for me. Nevertheless, I already had some small successes.

So z. B.At a meeting, a stranger to me gave his huge hand and said: "But you have a small hand!" I replied smilingly, "Well, I'm not that tall after all!" That was a nice experiencebecause for the first time I was able to respond to such a comment and afterwards was very proud! That's just a small thing, but experiences like this strengthen me when things are not going so well.

Surprisingly inspiring was the first appointment with my personal trainer. I am challenged intensively and come closer to my long-cherished goal of becoming fitter, The coach manages to motivate me at the right moment, so I mobilize my last reserves, great!

I was very curious about the styling appointment. It was exciting to find out which colors are mine and which are not. The subsequent style consultation was also very interesting, but equally unsettling. Many clothes that I was convinced of do not dress well - my sinfully expensive suit, for example, has tight, calf-length pants, but visually shortens my legs.

Class was also the small make-up course. I've never had professional guidance and was surprised how different I look when I'm really great - but of course - made-up. It was the first time that I put on make-up, and contrary to my assumption that it looks artificial, I felt really good. Immediately thereafter, I already noticed that a good look will help me in a more self-confident and thus more ready-knit appearance.

On the next page: One month later ...

After a month

In my wardrobe hang only things that are beneficial to me, narrow pants and skirts, for example - I really feel more comfortable with the new style, I also put on makeup, powder and concealer and use it every day, it makes me a whole lot more confident.

The movement meditation I have incorporated into everyday life: By focusing on movement and breathing I can finally switch off. But above all, I have to consciously deal with my bodily sensations. High time - it was terrifying that I could not describe what I feel physically when I'm in an uncomfortable situation.

Do I have stomach tingling, palpitations, is I cold or warm? I could not say it. Now I have learned to listen to my body. I suddenly noticed that I pull my shoulders up during stress, which makes me cramp on the inside and leads to neck tension and headaches.

Now I can avoid that and inwardly I am more relaxed. This has a positive effect on my conversations: I do not brood anymore about what I could say, I've become much more spontaneous. Also, I have the feeling that most conversations are more positive and last longer: The business conversation suddenly develops into a small talk. Super pleasant!

Very motivating was also the personal training. I now know better with what attitude I seem open and self-confident. Strengthen and relax the back and stretching exercises. I need to continue training for sustainable success, but I have a solid foundation and the courage to stay with it. After four weeks, a start has been made.

I have learned not to relate everything to me and to loosen things up. Yesterday, for example, I was on foot and got in the way of a parked car driver - I waved to him and laughed at him. Four weeks ago I would have wondered if my gestures look ridiculous - but yesterday I was above the things. Feel good.

How To Become A Flirt and Banter Master (Actual Exercises Included) (May 2024).

Munich, self-confidence, quick-wittedness, self-assured demeanor