Eckart von Hirschhausen: "My motto: Haha and Aha!" In "The liver grows with its tasks", it is all about allergies, colds, headaches. Does not sound funny ...

Eckart von Hirschhausen: As a former doctor, I perceive the world from the perspective of the medical profession - that's exactly what my trademark is. But I'm not kidding about diseases! My point is to show what medicine has to do with our daily lives: does acupuncture help with the car? And why does happiness tea excite us so much? Why should happiness steer us?

Eckart von Hirschhausen: Because we expect so much from him! You are feeling bad, so you take three bags on the cup right now, wait and think: "I'll be all right soon". And what happens? Nothing! The tea is broken, I bring it back! And you are back by the luck tea on 180. There is also a tea, which means "moments of silence". All I have to say is: wet two teabags and put them in your ears - then you have moments of silence! And what does that have to do with medicine in our everyday lives?

Eckart von Hirschhausen: In my new book, many exciting results of scientific studies have been processed between the lines. For example, finding a dream partner has a lot to do with the smell or that light helps against winter depression. I call myself a sustainable comedian - my motto: haha ​​and aha. People should be entertained and also learn something. So you're still a doctor, just treating you with humor instead of pills and injections?

Eckart von Hirschhausen: That might sound a bit pathetic, but I think that - seriously! In my current program "lucky charms" I tell a lot of what I would have told as a therapist. Only with the difference that I tell it on stage many people at the same time. I figured that out: I would need seven years for one-to-one interviews with all the listeners, for example when I perform in the Hamburger Musikhalle. The comedy group therapy can hardly be as effective as a doctor's visit.

Eckart von Hirschhausen: Of course, individual discussions with the doctor are more effective. But health does not come from the doctor, but from what we do and think every day. I want to give people the impetus: engage with your body and have fun with it! And if you have the choice: "Despair of it - or laugh at it", then I say "laugh about it". Then you should get the tickets for your performances maybe paid by the health insurance ...

Eckart von Hirschhausen: I've already considered that. But in Germany it is widespread to think: "What costs nothing, is nothing". Therefore, people should pay what. I also like to donate something from my money, for example to the association "Rote Nasen Deutschland", which sends clowns to hospitals to cheer children and old people there. You still seem to be very close to medicine. Why did not you stay a doctor?

Eckart von Hirschhausen: I'm still a doctor! Only I am now active in prophylaxis. The medical profession is very exhilarating because you can help many people: Nothing does people better than doing something for others. However, I have found that I can not really live my spontaneous and creative abilities in the hospital. It was a bit like the penguin from the story that I tell in my current stage program. Do you know her? No, unfortunately not.

Eckart von Hirschhausen: Well, I did a cruise once, and then I saw a penguin sitting on a rock. "Misconception," I thought to myself. "Those little wings, and then he has no knees ..." And then the penguin jumped into the water and swam away - and he can do that! It's the same with us humans: our success or failure in life is decided by a combination of our abilities and our environment. You can not make a giraffe out of a penguin - but you can encourage him to swim.

Hirschhausen to hear: The penguin principle

Dr. Eckart von Hirschhausen, born in Frankfurt in 1967, studied medicine and science journalism and has worked for over 15 years as a cabaret artist, humor coach and author. Eckart von Hirschhausen is currently on tour through Germany with his current program "Glücksbringer". His new book "The liver grows with its tasks" (Rororo, 9,95 Euro) has just been published. More information and tour dates at

Niko : Über die Liebe (June 2024).

Eckart von Hirschhausen, Germany, Car, Penguin, Eckart von Hirschhausen, Comedian, Comedy, Humor, Lucky Charm, Doctor, Physician, Consultation, Cabaret, Comedian, Comedy